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Juntae sighed as he swiped away his conversation with the person Keon. There was no way in hell he was going to date a stripper. He wasn't one to be too concerned on where someone's dick had been, but Keon has probably slept with a lot of people. He figured he hardly got tested either. Junggeun looked at Juntae who wore a sullen look.

"Don't be sad, I'm sure there's someone perfect for you." Junggeun said with a smile.

"Why can't we date, hm?" Juntae asked as he leaned back against him. "We'd make a cute couple."

"Don't get me wrong, I'd love to date you, but my heart already belongs to someone else." replied Junggeun as he scrolled through his website.

"Come on... I'll help you forget him." said Juntae in a low voice as he held Junggeun from behind.

"Juntae..." mumbled Junggeun as he could feel his hands blindly exploring his body. "Stop. You know better."

"Fiiine. I'm heading to the convenience store. Need anything?" asked Juntae.

Junggeun pursed his lips then glanced at Juntae. It wasn't like he didn't find him attractive at all. He just didn't want to confuse the guy. Junggeun turned his attention back to his phone then heard the door open.

"Get condoms." said Junggeun as he tapped on a link.

"What for?" Juntae asked curiously.

Junggeun sat up then looked at him. A lightbulb went off and he left the room with a sly smile on his face.

ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ

"Keonhee, stop crying. It's not that bad." said Hoyoung as he had rushed over.

"I really thought we had good footing. It's cause of this damn job!" Keonhee shouted before yeeting his pillow across the room.

"You can always come work for me you know." Hoyoung offered.

"What's the point? I don't know how to code and all that tech shit. It's one of the only options I have since I don't have a degree..." sniffled Keonhee. The door burst open and three others had entered the room. Keonhee looked at them then frowned. "How did you get in?"

"Young left the door open for us." answered Ten before taking a seat beside Keonhee. "Don't waste your tears on a crummy guy like him. He doesn't understand your situation."

"I wouldn't be in this mess if my family didn't fuck me over." spat Keonhee as he hugged Ten.

"But if anything, you have four amazing friends." said Hongjoong with a grin.

Kyeongheon nodded in agreement. He presented Keonhee with a bag and pressured him to open it.

"A frog plush... and a card...?" said Keonhee in confusion. He opened up the envelope and read it. "You guys..."

"Come on, food waits for no one." said Hongjoong while dragging Keonhee out of his room.

The others followed behind while shouting out different places they wanted to eat at.

ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ

Junggeun quietly sipped on water as he checked his Twitter account. His vision soon disappeared and caused him to slightly panic.

"You know, I could definitely go for a round three. Especially if bondage is involved." joked Juntae before removing the towel from Junggeun's face.

"Tae, listen... I think we should-" said Junggeun before heading a knock on the door.

He headed over and opened the door.

"How did you... when..." stammered Junggeun as a familiar face stared back at him.

"You're naked. Why." demanded Inseong.

"I just took a shower...?" replied Junggeun.

Juntae wrapped his arms around Junggeun as he rested his chin on his shoulder. Inseong raised an eyebrow as if demanding an explanation.

"It's not what it looks like. Tae called me saying he was bored and wanted company so he came here to the hotel and he somehow convinced me to... fuck... him..." explained Junggeun who realized how ridiculous it all sounded.

"Uh huh... and next you're going to tell me you didn't order room service." said Inseong flatly.

"We did actually... but the point is Tae and I are not a thing! This was just a one time thing." said Junggeun quickly, prying Juntae off.

"Well, I came to tell you that the guys wanted to have a sleepover tonight." said Inseong before looking them up and down. "Guess you two already have plans."

"Wait, Seong! I'll be there! Don't tell anyone what you saw!" Junggeun shouted as Inseong walked away.

"Is it really that bad being with me?" Juntae asked as Junggeun stormed back inside.

"Yes! I can't believe I let myself give into your selfish demands! Fuck, now everything is ruined because of you! I hope you never date anyone, even after you die!" Junggeun shouted before angrily leaving the room in pjs.

Juntae bit his lip then started biting his finger. It wouldn't stop. He started to hiccup and started having trouble breathing. Blood started to peek out from his self made wound on his finger as salty tears made their way down his face, some onto his bleeding finger.

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