NSFW writing

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Keonhee put on slippers then peeked his head around the corner. Juntae had left his door unlocked. He wasn't sure it was on purpose or accidental. He looked around in awe of his penthouse. The place reeked of expensive. He shook his head then remembered why he came. Juntae was drunk and wanted company.

Keonhee walked down the hall and proceeded to open doors. He finally found Juntae's bedroom and was surprised to see him downing a bottle of wine while lying half naked in his bed. Everything told him to leave well enough alone, but his conscience wouldn't leave him be.

"Juntae..." Keonhee called out.

"Keonhee... You actually came..." Juntae said then smiled. "Come, have a glass.

"I can't... I'm a lightweight." said Kronhee as he rubbed his arm in embarrassment.

"Then come sit. Let's talk. Is my style of dress a bit much? You can toss me the robe over there." said Juntae before taking another swig. "Ah, that's the good stuff."

Keonhee sat on the edge as Juntae struggled to put a simple robe on. He sighed heavily then took the robe.

"Stay this way." said Keonhee.

"You sure you don't want any? It's good..." said Juntae as he laughed at his phone. "My face looks so weird."

Drunk Juntae was really something else. Keonhee watched as he placed his drink and phone off to the side before getting up and randomly dancing. He couldn't help but laugh at the randomness. He moved to record then stopped. He was better than this.

"I'll get you some water. You look parched..." said Juntae before leaving.

A part of him regretted not taking a video, but it was probably the right thing to do. Juntae came back then handed him the glass of water. Keonhee downed about half of it then noticed it tasted a bit different. Was it just his imagination? After a while he started to feel hot and dizzy.

"How do you feel?" Juntae asked after a long period of silence.

"How do I feel...? I feel energized! Excited!" exclaimed Keonhee before taking off his shirt due to being hot. "Let's do something dangerous!"

"Like what?" asked Juntae, strangely interested.

"Knife throwing." answered Keonhee.

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Keonhee struggled in his restraints then stopped once Juntae had held his head by his chin. His slight panic and fear had been replaced with excitement and pleasure. He was certain his growing erection was noticeable.

"I want to ruin your face." Juntae said the longer he stared. "I want to see your lips swollen from kisses..."

"You're teasing me... stop it." Keonhee said with shaky breaths. "Tease me more."

Juntae straddled Keonhee then gently bit at his neck. Neither were truly aware of what was taking place, but neither had a problem with it. Keonhee moaned in pleasure from the gentle neck bites and the small amount of grinding he was able to do in his current position.

"Tae, I'm so hard... let me touch myself." panted Keonhee as he didn't know how much longer he'd last.

"Coming without being touch? I'd like to see that..." said Juntae as he moved off of Keonhee's lap.

He continued to bite at his neck and tease his nipples while keeping an eye on his massive tent. He slowly slid the panties down then chuckled when Keonhee's dick sprang up. It was dripping wet with pre-cum.

"Tae..." Keonhee whined as he didn't expect him to just leave it at that.

"Shh..." hushed Juntae before resuming his position behind Keonhee.

It was only a matter of time before Keonhee had came, the white substance resting comfortably on his body and a part of the chair. Juntae smiled at his well earned victory.

"Is it over...? Please say no... I want more..." whined Keonhee as his body trembled while he came down from his high.

"You need rest." said Juntae as he was slowly starting to become sober.

Keonhee became upset and started to throw a tantrum. Juntae silently ignored his angry cries as he dragged him towards the bathroom.

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Keonhee's head bobbed as he sat in the tub with Juntae. Juntae noticed his then decided to get him cleaned up first and into bed.

"Wha- What happened...? My head... it hurts..." groaned Keonhee before leaning back into Juntae's chest unknowingly.

"Come on, lets clean off and head to bed." said Juntae as he scrubbed Keonhee's back.

Keonhee looked back at him then back at the water in front of him. He knew what had happened between them as he was partially conscious, but he wasn't sure of how to bring it up.

"Tae... did we..." said Keonhee slowly.

"Ask me when we get out, okay?" Juntae said.

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Juntae wiped his face down then patted cream onto his face. Keonhee quietly watched and figured that was his routine to his smooth skin.

"So, what did you want to ask?" asked Juntae as he checked his face over once more to make sure there wasn't any cream left.

"Did we do something sexual?" asked Keonhee somewhat directly.

"Hm, not sure. If we did, I apologize. Feel free to hit me or call the cops for sexual harassment. It'd be good to get away from fame for a while." said Juntae before plopping down into his bed. "If not, then we have nothing to worry about."

Keonhee tightened his clenched fists then relaxed. If he were to be honest, it was the most fun he's had all week. Keonhee crawled over to Juntae then sat himself around his waist line, just above his crotch.

"I don't remember all of it, but we did get intimate. I won't hit nor call the police on you. I enjoyed it really. It might be even better if we weren't intoxicated..." said Keonhee as he had figured out why his head hurt so much. "And next, really, no alcohol for me."

"Got it, got it. So, you can sleep here. I'll sleep in the guest room." said Juntae as he slid Keonhee off.

"Let's sleep together. Please..." Keonhee silently pleaded.

Juntae sighed then wrapped his arms around Keonhee who lied on top of him. Neither were sure what the other was thinking nor how they really felt. It didn't matter at that moment. That brief moment where they felt safe, comfortable and loved in each other's warmth.

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