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Yanan smiled happily like a happy puppy as Hoyoung ran his fingers through his hair. It was something small, but it excited him.

"What's got you so happy? You're humming." said Hoyoung as Yanan curled up on his lap.

"Because I'm with you. I love being with you." replied Yanan cutely.

"You're so strange... one minute a sex fiend and the next you're like a puppy." said Hoyoung before placing a kiss on his forehead.

"I'm weird aren't I...? I apologize." said Yanan quietly.

"Not at all love..." said Hoyoung then hugged him tightly.

ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ

"You know that Inseong guy?" said Keonhee as he talked to Ten on the phone.

"What about him?" said Ten as he spun back and forth in his chair.

"He's pretty cute. I might hit him up." said Keonhee as he took a sip of water.

"I'll support you all the way, but don't get so depressed this time." said Ten before hanging up.

Keonhee quietly sent him a dm on Twitter then waited. And waited. Keonhee brightened up at the reply. He really wasn't expecting one, but there it was.

"Mmm... a school teacher huh... I wonder if he'd be okay dating a stripper." mumbled Keonhee as he continued to text Inseong.

"Hey!" a voice called out before sitting down beside him.

"Oh, Chan... I didn't think you'd come out." said Keonhee in surprise.

"Who ya texting? Inseong? Give it here. I'll get you a date with him." said Chanhee as he took his phone.

Keonhee watched as Chanhee worked his magic. Somehow he had indeed gotten him to go on a date with him. Keonhee clapped in amazement.

"Thank you so much. I hope this works out..." said Keonhee quietly.

"Inseong is a real sweetheart. Trust me." said Chanhee with a smile.

ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ

Kyeongheon quietly cleaned dishes as he was soon going to be off the clock. He checked the time on the wall clock and confirmed it to be about nighttime.

"Hey, you worked hard today. I can take over." said a coworker before taking the dish. "Go on home."

"Are you sure?" he asked worriedly.

"Positive." they said with a smile.

Kyeongheon headed into the back room and took his bag out of his locker. He glanced up and saw the photo of him and Ten hanging. A smile formed on his face as he started to imagine Ten's happy face when he arrived home.

He whistled happily as he made his way out of the restaurant and into the night. He looked to his right and found himself in shock. His boyfriend was standing not too far off with someone he didn't know. What was he to do? Be an idiot and rush in head first or stay calm and gather more information? Kyeongheon leaned against the restaurant's wall and observed from afar.

He twitched slightly as the person had touched him unnecessarily. He couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about. He twitched again as the person had touched his waist. Kyeongheon took deep breaths and continued to watch. They had to be accidents. He briefly closed his eyes then nearly freaked out at the sight of the person trying to kiss Ten. Just as he started to move, Ten had knee'd them in the groin then stepped on their chest.

"Ten...?" Kyeongheon called out as he approached.

"Oh, Kyeong! I wanted to surprise you and walk home with you. I was stopped by that scum and missed my chance..." sighed Ten before giving the person a swift kick. "So, shall we?"

"I was worried..." mumbled Kyeongheon as they walked towards the bus stop.

"About what? Me cheating?" asked Ten before chuckling. "You said it yourself, I'm a loyal guy. Even if someone said they'd pay me to sleep with or date them, I'd say no."

Kyeongheon pulled his boyfriend closer with a big smile on his face. Ten interlaced their fingers as they made their way down the block.

ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ

Chanhee sat quietly on the chair as he watched Hongjoong work. It was amazing to him how nimble he and how clean his needlework was. Hongjoong tied a knot then glanced at Chanhee. He registered Hongjoong was looking at him then quickly looked away.

"If you have something to say, say it." said Hongjoong.

"I see why everyone wants your designs. The stitching is impressive and your attention to little details is superb. I never really paid much attention to the smaller details, but after seeing how much work you put into it, I'll start giving them the attention they deserve." Chanhee rambled as he looked at the incomplete garment.

"Wow... No one's really ever said that. I usually get 'You're a genius' or 'How much?' or just your average compliment." Hongjoong said as he looked at Chanhee.

"Really...? People love to say things others want to hear because it's convenient. It helps avoid trouble and makes both parties happy. In my opinion, I feel we should be honest when applicable because if we all constantly say what others want to hear, they'll never grow." said Chanhee.

"Chanhee..." Hongjoong mumbled. He started to see him in a new light. "Where have you been all my life...?"

Chanhee glanced back at him then gave him a cheeky grin. Hongjoong didn't quite understand if what he was feeling was attraction or admiration, but what he did understand was that he wanted to get closer and learn more about Chanhee.

"Ah, it's pretty late out... I should get going." said Chanhee, breaking him free of his thoughts.

"Stay. I couldn't possibly let you go home alone at such a time." Hongjoong said quickly.

"If it's not too much trouble, then I'll take you up on your offer." said Chanhee happily.

Hongjoong quietly watched Chanhee as he scooted his seat over to the window. He was in like.

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