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"I can't believe you had a gigantic house, Young." said Juntae in awe. "Though, mine is slightly bigger."

"Could you both not talk about rich thingsvin front of us plebs?" Ten said then stuck out his tongue.

They all happily sat in the backyard as a servant cooked on the grill. Kyeongheon looked around and wondered if he was allowed to help prepare food.

"Young, I think this guy is itching to cook. Let'im at it, yeah?" said Ten from his side.

"If you really want to, go ahead." said Hoyoung then groaned in pain as he and Yanan collided heads.

Hongjoong nervously bounced his leg as he stared at Chanhee from his seat. He never seemed to get anywhere as whenever he tried to flirt, it came out more as a compliment. Chanhee moved strands of hair out of his face as the wind blew.

"Chanhee..." Hongjoong weakly called out as he approached.

Chanhee turned around and smiled. The wind blew again, causing his hair to move. Hongjoong was spellbound.

"Yes...?" Chanhee said a bit worried since he hadn't moved.

"Oh! Uh, well, are you enjoying yourself...?" he asked as he stood next him against the railing.

"It'd be more fun when the activities start. Which one are you looking forward to?" asked Chanhee.

"The games. You know, Uno, Jenga, Blackjack..." Hongjoong listed then glanced at Chanhee.

"Mmm, I'm looking forward to... hide and seek. Sure, it's childish, but it's always been a favorite of mine." said Chanhee with a nostalgic look.

Ten quietly watched as Kyeongheon did a better job of cooking than the hired servant. He wrapped his arms around his waist and was surprised it didn't deter him in the slightest.

"Hey, why don't you break a bit and come eat? I'm sure you're hungry." said Ten slightly worried.

"I'd love to, but all of this needs to be cooked. It'll go bad and bugs might get to it." explained Kyeongheon.

Ten left his side then came back with food.

"Open." said Ten before feeding his boyfriend. "I'm going to make sure you eat everything on this plate."

Kyeongheon eyed the plate then nearly gasped. There was a lot of food on it. He felt relieved when Ten started to eat some of it.

Keonhee sat on Juntae's lap as they chatted with Hoyoung and Yanan. There was a lot he didn't understand as he didn't come from money. The more they talked, the more he realized he and Juntae were from separate worlds.

"Keon, wanna take a walk? The area here looks pretty nice." asked Juntae with a smile.

"Yeah, sure." replied Keonhee.

"Don't get lost." said Hoyoung before glaring at Yanan who said something unkind.

Juntae interlocked their hands as they walked down the mostly empty street. He could see something was bothering Keonhee to the point his frown lines were visible.

"Did we say something you didn't like?" Juntae asked.

"No... it's just our glaringly obvious difference. You live in luxury when I'm just barely making enough." sighed Keonhee as he started to let go of his hand. "I didn't think it'd be that bad, but everything up until now, it's hard."

"So you want to break up?" Juntae asked without hesitation.

"What? No... no..." said Keonhee who was quite unsure himself.

"Maybe we should. I thought you were stronger than this. If you easily give up like this, I can't imagine how beat up you'd be from antis." said Juntae seriously.

Keonhee watched as he walked away. Tears pricked his eyes as he didn't actually want to break up. He just didn't know how to ease his worries. Juntae glanced back before discreetly wiping his eye.

"Juntae!" Keonhee shouted after doing some reflecting.

Juntae turned around and hoped his tears weren't visible. Keonhee ran over to him then embraced him tightly, knocking him off balance.

"First of all, ow. Second of all, what was that for?" asked Juntae as he rubbed his backside.

"I don't want to break up... I just wanted to vent my concerns and hope I'd find a solution... I didn't intend to sound like I wanted to give up..." explained Keonhee with visible tears.

"It's my fault. I was quick to judge and didn't take time to actually understand." apologized Juntae.

ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ

They all lied on their backs as they looked up at the sky. None of them said a word as they lied there.

"A lot has happened hasn't it?" Chanhee said, breaking the silence.

"To think we're so close now despite being complete strangers a few months ago." commented Hoyoung.

The others hummed in agreement. They all looked at each other then collectively sighed.

"So, who wants to play Truth or Dare with alcohol?" Hongjoong suggested before receiving a bunch of confirmations.

"Keon can't drink. So we'll have to find an alternative." said Juntae before receiving a happy smile from Keonhee.

They happily chatted amongst themselves as they tried coming up with good alternatives for Keonhee.

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