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Ten pouted as he lied like a starfish on Hongjoong's floor. He had skipped work and faked sick. He was surprised he was still employed despite his bad acting.

"I told you to go home. I'm busy." grumbled Hongjoong

"Keon's at work and so are Young and Kyeong. What do you expect me to do on a day off?" Ten whined.

"Go to work like everyone else?" Hongjoong mumbled as he stuck pins in the fabric.

"Eh, being an office worker is no fun. I'd join Keon in a heartbeat if it weren't for bills." Ten said with a pout.

"Are you going to lie here and complain all day? I need to focus." complained Hongjoong as he was ready to stitch.

"Hm... I guess I'll go bug Kyeong. His break should be soon." said Ten before heading towards the door.

"Don't come back." Hongjoong shouted as the door closed.

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"Ah, how'd you know I was on break? Oh right, you saved my schedule." said Kyeong with a thoughtful look. "You don't usually come to see me at work."

Ten quietly scratched under his chin and effortlessly got the younger to let out a meow. It was something only he knew about due to a happy accident.

"How many hours you got left on the clock?" asked Ten as he checked the time.

"Five hours." replied Kyeongheon.

"And how much time left for your break?" asked Ten.

"An hour." he replied.

Ten gently held his face then planted a kiss on his forehead. Kyeongheon blinked rapidly then blushed like crazy.

"Why'd you do that? What if someone saw?" said Kyeongheon in a panic.

"So? It's not like our friends are around. When they're not around, what are we?" Ten asked in a low tone.

"A couple..." squeaked out Kyeongheon.

"Good." replied Ten before gently planting kisses on his cheek then pausing at his lips. "Open..."

Kyeongheon silently obeyed as Ten connected their lips, his tongue reaching inside and exploring familiar territory. Kyeongheon gently tugged on his hair as Ten pinned him against the wall. The sound of knocking was soon heard.

"Someone in here?" a person asked.

"Yeah, it may be awhile. Use the one in the break room." Kyeongheon said as Ten grinded against him

"Is everything okay in there? You're breathing kind of weird." they said with concern.

Kyeongheon wrapped his arms around Ten in hopes of getting him to stay still. Ten simply giggled silently before continuing to rub his ass against his crotch, now including neck biting.

"Yes, I'm fine. Please go." Kyeongheon said hurriedly.

The person left and Kyeongheon was finally able to push Ten away. Ten frowned at the sight of his upset face.

"You crossed the line." said Kyeongheon before leaving.

Ten crossed his arms as he kept his eyes downcast. Did he really cross the line? It wasn't like he was purposefully trying to out him. He poked his head out of the restroom then sneakily sneaked out of the restaurant without being caught.

ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ

Keonhee looked at Ten who seemed upset. It wasn't often they saw Ten upset. He wasn't one to get upset over small things.

"What's wrong?" Keonhee asked.

"I went to see Kyeong at work, but something I said upset him I guess..." said Ten in a monotone voice.

"Did you apologize yet?" he asked.

"No... he won't answer me..." Ten said before closing the book in front of him all together.

"Are you going home...?" Keonhee asked curiously.

"No, just to fix my friendship with Kyeong. Keep forgetting he's not direct like me..." mumbled Ten as he left.

ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ

Kyeongheon sighed as Ten hadn't called, texted or tweeted him. He climbed into bed and decided to sleep early because of it. He was brought out of bed by the doorbell ringing.

"Ten...?" he said in surprise.

"I'm sorry, love. I could've put you in a bad position... I know saying sorry and buying your favorite snacks won't make up for what I did, but..." said Ten while fidgeting slightly.

Kyeongheon pulled Ten inside then pinned him against the wall. Ten was surprised by the sudden assertive side. He wrapped his arms around him as they messily kissed. He then wrapped his legs around him then audibly gasped when Kyeongheon had roughly grabbed his ass.

"You're such a dom right now... was it because of earlier?" Ten asked cutely.

"Definitely. I'm going to make sure you limp your way to work tomorrow." said Kyeongheon with an evil grin.

"That should be my line." said Ten with a pout.

Ten squealed excitedly as Kyeongheon carried him to his bedroom.

ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ

Ten gently held Kyeongheon in his arms as he quietly slept. Kyeongheon wasn't anyone famous or special like Hoyoung or that actor Juntae, but it didn't matter. He always thought he couldn't be happy if he partner wasn't someone famous, then found himself slowly falling for the man that slept like a baby in his arms.

"Ten..." he mumbled before pulling him closer.

"Sleep talking?" Ten asked softly. Kyeongheon shook his head. "Ah..."

"You act like such a spoiled child... and your attitude is crappy... you're expensive too..." said Kyeongheon in his half awake state. Ten frowned terribly. "But you're very affectionate... loyal... intelligent... funny... I feel lucky..."

"Kyeong..." Ten said as he gave his head a kiss. "I'll be a better Ten for you."

Kyeongheon softly giggled then looked up and him.

"I love you for you. Flaws, faults, obscurities, all of it. You're beautiful the way you are." replied Kyeongheon with a cheeky grin.

Ten had hidden his face in Kyeongheon's hair as he had started to cry. He was completely overwhelmed by his words. It didn't seem like much, but to him it was everything. Kyeongheon gently rubbed his arm as Ten continued to cry both tears of joy and sadness.

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