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Hoyoung sipped on his milk tea then bumped into someone, almost spilling his drink on them. They both looked at each other with a glare.

"Watch your step, asshole." they said in unison before walking away.

Hoyoung sucked his teeth as anyone should recognize him from his face alone. Then he realized he had on sunglasses. He sighed before making his way back to his office.

ㅁ ㅁ ㅁ

"S- Sir..." a nervous employee called out.

He was the sacrificial lamb the company had chosen for the day. He swallowed hard as Hoyoung looked at him with emotionless eyes.

"I... I- I- I have the documents..." he squeaked out, feeling his mouth go dry.

"Leave them on the desk and get back to work." said Hoyoung as he continued to read over the text on his screen.

The employee quickly placed them on his desk neatly and left just as fast. Everyone knew how much Hoyoung didn't like to be disturb while on the clock, which is why they try to catch him at his less angry times.

"Wait, you can't just-" said a voice before two people entered the room.

"So this is his office. Thanks, your services are no longer needed." said the fancily dressed guy before shutting the door behind him.

"You're gravely mistaken if you think I'm going to listen to you after you barge into my company and use my employees any way you see fit." spat Hoyoung as he didn't look up from his monitor.

"Really? Despite me having contacted you before to see how the game development was going?" he said while walking around and looking at things.

"Look, I don't really care, but there's no way in hell I'm going to let you parade on in my company as you please. Take your money back and get lost. We aren't going to make a game for a snotty asshole." said Hoyoung as he opened up new windows.

"You'll lose out on a lot of money." he said softly.

"So be it. I can't stand people like you." replied Hoyoung.

The man audibly sighed then walked over to Hoyoung's desk, slightly leaning forward making his bare chest known underneath his jacket.

"Mr. Bae, you really don't want to reconsider?" he asked in a sultry voice.

Hoyoung finally looked up then froze. Why did his face seem familiar. The man took off his sunglasses then blinked rapidly. They silently stared at each other as their brains reeled.

"Drunk guy Yanan...?" Hoyoung asked as he pointed at him.

"You're that Hoyoung?" Yanan asked.

Hoyoung quietly observed his face and reassured himself. That was the Yanan he had slept with. Yanan quickly backed up then turned his back to him. He wasn't sure what was going on. He left his seat then placed a hand on his back then watched as he freaked out.

"I'm... sorry...?" said Hoyoung in confusion.

Yanan tightly gripped his chest as he never thought he'd see him again. The guy who willingly took him in, not knowing who he was and whether it was a ploy to kill him or not. The guy who gently cared for him and tucked him in bed. The guy who looked up at him with doe eyes when they fucked. He had fall heads over heels without realizing it.

"I think... I think I love you." said Yanan after a long period of silence.

Hoyoung blinked rapidly as he wasn't expecting it. They had only met once, yet here he was declaring his love. It wasn't that he didn't like it, it was all so sudden. Yanan tightly held his hands then leaned close.

"You don't have to say anything... just... allow me to at least be by your side." said Yanan with teary eyes.

"I don't see a problem with it." replied Hoyoung then smiled softly as Yanan hugged him.

Hoyoung wasn't entirely sure about Yanan, but a part of him knew his heart had mostly made it up its mind. It was just a matter of getting the rest of him to realize it.

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