s i m p l e d i n n e r

69 26 40

I've got a ton shit of homework to do. But I'm so tired. I acted pretty well today tho. I didn't hit that annoyingly smart kid in the nose. Neither did I break miss popular's fake nails. Hm, even paid attention to the teacher only when he called role and then didn't bother him because I went to dream land. So I deserve a prize. I'll just read wattpad for half an hour.

Two hours later.

"Dinner's ready!"

Nooo, I just finished this entire book and the second book hasn't come out yet. (Just like my friend Belle.)

Don't you just feel empty when one of your favorite books, dramas, or animes finishes? Yep. Thats always me. And I feel like I have no future without it. I'm a wierd kid.

We started eating our food while watching the tv. My family wasn't the model family. My parents didn't actually care about my brother and I. Even if we got in trouble, they would just sign the papers and forget why we were even grounded. My brother hated my guts. He would be my personal bully. But it was returned when I did something wronge and he had to pay for it since he was the older one.

My parents talked, (gossiped) about their work partners, while my bigger brother was on his phone. I felt alone in the table. Wait. When did I ever not feel alone?

I couldn't interrupt my parents on their hot tea so I tried talking with my big annoying animal. Aka, Jared. I looked at his phone screen and new that he was on instagram. We didn't follow eachother because we both were embarassed of eachother. Typical siblings. (I hope) But he stopped scrolling on this post. This post that was muted and had a woman taking off her bra.

That was when I realized that my brother was a pervert. And that was when I realized that I could easily vomit my whole food by just looking at some random girls tiddies.

In the end, he got grounded for a week and I was sent to bed and was told that I wasn't going to school the next day. So, I said goodnight to my undone homework still in my unpacked bookbag and started reading a new book on wattpad all night long.

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