h o t a p r i l n i g h t

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"Roselyn! You're finally here, why didn't you come yesterday?" Belle attacked me with a giant warm hug. She was like a sister to me. You know, those situations where your friends are more family than your real family.

"Belle, turns out that my brother is like our classmates. They're all perverts."

"Disgusting. Wait- how did you find out?" She said while laughing.

"Ugh, don't make me remember. Or else I'll puke again and I won't come tomorrow either."

"No, girl. You gotta study for your future. Do you think of staying with your parents untill their old and wrinkly?"

"Okay Belle, I get it. Don't start again with your ted talks please. It's only wednesday morning."

"Well then think straight!"

"Honey, I think the non-straight one here is you."


"I love you too byeee"

And that was one of the best parts of my day. When I was with her, she made me feel secure and just much more better. She felt something like home. Even though I never had one. And I won't give up untill I find one. You see, for her, everything was all set up. Her parents owned high class restaurants in the best hotels. She was already taking private classes for her to take over once she finished school.

At first I couldn't stand her. She always talked with such power in her voice and I was jeolous of what she had, a loving family.

But after ending up being paired up last year, we have learned so much about eachother that I know her better than herself and she knows me better than myself.

She has passed so many things but the thing that pains her the most is that her parents don't know that she's lesbian. And she won't say anything or else they might not want to see her anymore. You must know that she comes from a french family and that her parents are highkey homophobic.

After school, I did th usual. Go back to my house, get on my phone, attempt to do any homework that was the most due and repeat the cycle. A boring life for a boring girl like me.

I couldn't sleep that night. My head kept on thinking on so many things. I think that for a moment if I could've written everything that went around my head, I could've become a famous filosopher. My light covers felt like rough, hot sandpaper around my sweaty body. I got up and went to open my window for some fresh air to enter. But once I opened it up, the whole mosquito army came to kill me. I must've gotten intoxicated with all mosquito poison spray that I sprayed.

The sky was clear, it was April but the heat this year had come very quickly. I looked up and asked myself questions.

"Why is my life like this?

Why don't my parents pay attention to me?

Why does my brother hate me?

Why am I failing school and only have one friend?

Why am I ugly?

Why am I fat?

Why do I have this boring life??

Can't the universe do anything to change ANYTHING ABOUT ME?!"

I screamed and cried my heart out at all the questions that I had.

Tomorrow was my 17th birthday. And I knew no one even remebered. Except Belle. But besides her, no one had a gift waiting for me.


No one had a gift for Roselyn, because Belle had forgotten. At that time, she was already on a plane to France with her parents to watch them do some business. The only thing that had a gift for her was life. She only had to wait and be patientfor the next day to come. But she would have to be even more careful the next day, if she wanted to survive.

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