Marie Serizawa

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Her name was Marie Serizawa, and she was reborn Marie Degerachev. 

After she was killed by a rampaging Kaiju in Tokyo, she had awoken to find herself in an old moth eaten bed.. surrounded by rows of other motheaten beds in a cold room with dirty walls, and other girls and boys her age and younger, wearing rags.. 

Whatever person she had been reincarnated into, Marie didn't seem to have been changed in any way from her original physical form.. as far as she could see when she first looked into the rusty mirror of the orphanage's old bathroom so the nuns could bathe them 4 by 4 in the large wooden tub.. 

A 14 year old girl with dark brown hair at medium length, and dark brown eyes.  There was nothing special about her.. though if somebody said she was beautiful, others who looked to see if that was true wouldn't object at all. 

She had been confused at first. Everyone at the orphanage seemed to remember her as Marie Degerachev, while she had no memory of having been living in this place.. this orphanage at all.. 

The fact that she was confused didn't seem to concern anybody anyways. Apparently only children from middle class and lower class families ever ended up in orphanages.. and they weren't regarded as people with the 'best' education.  In other words, Marie Degerachev, who was orphaned at the age of 5 according to the nuns, wasn't regarded as the brightest bulb in the world... especially not when her family was said to be comprised of a prostitute and a miser. 

Marie didn't mind. It wasn't as if she was the best in High School before she reincarnated. 

It soon became apparent to Marie that somehow she had been reincarnated into another world. After it became her turn to help Ms. Salazar, head of the Orphanage, go pick up groceries in town, she found herself walking through a city which, technology wise, wasn't much more advanced than the Renaissance in her world. 

Carriages, guards in metal armor with swords and spears.. Houses made of wood and hand mixed bricks, cobblestone roads.

But there were also goblins trading metals with dwarves, elves muttering to each other in the corners of dark taverns, wearing hoods. Adventurers journeying to varying guilds to obtain work. 

And the carriages were drawn by what appeared to be a type of two legged-ostrich-like dragon called Galensaurs. 

It was like a Fantasy RPG or novel. 

Not that it was any fun. Her old and moth eaten clothes pretty much told everyone right away she was a poor orphan.. and unlike the 21st century state of her old world, this one thought of orphans and the lower class as pests.. 

While the head nun would sometimes send Marie to the corner next to the more Pristine neighborhoods of Alfein City to beg for coins for the support of the church that ran the orphanage,  she would usually be kicked, told to buzz off, or beaten for daring to think that proper civilized people would ever send money to a flea bitten inbred mutt of a girl who had the nerve to be in the world without responsible adults to reign her in.

Marie quickly learned that the best way to look for money, was to only beg to the passing elves. 

The Elves were kind to orphans due to their culture being centered around the nurturing of children. 

While the elves that passed through here were secretive and tended to wear hoods to try and hide their ears, Marie learned to tell which was which, because they all tended to wear the same dark green cloaks with leaf shaped brooches. 

Even the rich elven merchants who sometimes came in, unlike the human or dwarven merchants, would sometimes go out of their way to give Marie a few gold coins so that the children would at times, be able to fill their bellies to the maximum that night. 

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