Madam Viola.

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"No.. I won't.. " growled Marie as she sat huddled on the bench in the garden area of Sveniel's mansion. 

Sveniel sighed, sitting next to Marie and rubbing his hands together. "Listen.. I get it.. you have no liking for him.. and these are hardly normal circumstances. Only the benevolent monsters usually end up like this.. but like it or not, HE is the source of your powers. Usually Monster Mages can only  go around and become a beast for one day, draining their mana on the spot, quick and simple.. with the Souls.. we can do more.. such as access a portion of their power while in human form.. it allows us to do other kinds of quests that Monster Mages can't usually do you know.."

"I don't care.." Marie said. "He killed my parents."

"Marie, normally it would take me 3 years just to teach you to access the Beast Form, what you did before was pure accident, but if we get his help it will only take you a week to do as much." said Sveniel. "I wouldn't like it any more than you, but he's your partner, and you're stuck with him.. forever..  If you don't let yourself get used to that then you're gonna go insane. For pete's sake, a spell prevents him from being farther than 80 meters of you."

Marie bowed her head, hugging her knees tighter. "You don't understand.

Sveniel wrung his hands a bit, then looked at the sunrise, slowly peeking over the tops of the buildings. "Damn.. raising kids is tough.. well kid you are kind of wrong on one front. Yes I don't understand partnering with somebody I hate. It's never happened before. Me and Flaventia are well oiled and meant for each other.  But, I do understand your hatred of Great Ones. My village was razed to the earth by Gorvant, the Ogre of the east. He led a band of ogres across the Eastern Swamps, taking over every single village he could, until finally my home country of Astral was no more.. now it's the Independent Kingdom of Orcs, where humans are ruled over in fear. I was one of the lucky ones to escape that carnage.."

"So what if you had to work with this Gorvant guy? What if HE was your partner..?" Marie growled. "What if you were stuck with HIM for the rest of your life?!"

"Then I'd try and overcome my hatred." said Sveniel. "Because I know that if I'm stuck with the guy I hate with NO way out of it, then unless I deal with that burning hatred, it'll destroy me. You can't be rid of this Godzilla. You can't kill him, you can't throw him aside. The only thing you CAN do.. is deal with him. Maybe you'll never like him, but at least you won't be driven mad by constantly being in his presence."

"Are you saying I should forgive him?" Marie muttered.

"This might be hard to hear." Sveniel murmured. "But from what you told me.. he sounds more like a force of nature than somebody whose out to eat humans like demon lords and ogres. The death of your parents was accidental. His hatred for humans, well, it's actually quite justified. It probably would be in your best interest to forgive... regardless of his own interests..."

"That's asking too much." Marie said.

"I know.. which is why you don't need to do it immediately. Instead, learn to tolerate him so it doesn't tear you apart.." said Sveniel.  "Besides... he's the tiny one now. Imagine how much he'll have to learn."

Meanwhile, nearby in the garden, Godzilla sat in front of a flower shrub, grumbling to himself as Flaventia fluttered over on her small wings.

"What are you doing? Go away!" Godzilla snapped.

"You're not used to being the inferior one are you?" said Flaventia. "Even in a world where Magic is Everything, and you have nothing, you feel yourself above us in some way.. interesting. Why?"

"I am Godzilla, King of the Monsters!" Minizilla exclaimed angrily. 

"And..?" said Flaventia. "I have never heard of you.. the true King of Monsters rules a country in the East. Lord Spengle, The Titan Lord.. An Angel who commands the forces of Light."

The Time I got Reincarnated as Godzilla, 1.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora