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The Main Palace in the center of the mountain city was like a tall stone spire going straight into the sky..  With a door carved into the side of the spire.. the insides of the hall leading to the door paved in gold and marble.. it looked like a mountain with a treasure hidden inside. 

Marie couldn't even believe what she was looking at.. it was like an ancient civilization from days gone past, and yet, it was alive..

A carving of a massive three headed serpent intertwined itself along the sides of the pillars, actual rubies the size of buildings embedded where their eyes would be. 

The throne room inside the tower however had no stone, but instead was covered in gold and silver, a true masterpiece. 

The dome-like ceiling of the main throne room was covered in a large mural of a three headed Golden Dragon, the symbol of the Three God Faith..  large pillars of gold, encrusted with amber colored diamonds held the room's structure stopping only at the point where the large golden throne was. 

Vetalum looked strong to Marie as they came up to his throne. .. with his golden armor, his regal posture, but at the same time Marie held a rather wary impression from him.. like he was also far past his prime, and his former immense strength was starting to wane. 

"Viola.." said Vetalum. "Welcome back.. and you as well lord Sveniel."

Everyone bowed. Taking this as a cue, Marie bowed as well.. 

"Marie, Apprentice of Sveniel and his wife to boot." said Vetalum. "As well as the wielder of the form I hear is called.. Godzilla.. yes?"

"Of course your Majesty." said Marie quickly as Sveniel instructed on their way there.  "I am here, at your request in service to you."

Vetalum chuckled. "Sven.. you really did teach her good manners."

"You should see her when she has bad manners." said Sven. 

"Stand up girl.." said Vetalum. "I wish to get a good look at you.."

Marie did as Vetalum said and she immediately got the impression that he was peering into her eyes, trying to get a good gist of what kind of person she was. 

"Pain.. and yet strength untold.." Vetalum murmured. "Indeed.. you are more than what you appear girl.. as is the monster's form you control.. and I take it you must be Godzilla's soul?"

Minizilla folded his stubby arms and glared up at the King. "Well yes.."

"There is much pride in your expression." said Vetalum. "Some of it good pride.. some of it mere arrogance.. remember that while it is your strength, it can just as well be your downfall. "

"Hmph.." Minizilla merely looked away. "From one king to another.. mind your own business.."

"Don't be rude!" Marie whispered frantically. "He could like.. execute us if he liked.."

"He could try." said Minizilla. 

"Let us be clear.." said Vetalum. "I am quite aware of how powerful you are.. Marie.. Godzilla. Your power has been kept secret in order ensure that we do not alert our enemies that such a strange new beast lurks in our Kingdom.. many would wish to use you for nefarious purposes should that come to light.. "

"Wait.. are we considered that strong? For real?" said Marie, blinking. 

"You're surprised about this?" muttered Minizilla. 

"That demon you defeated was no mere random monster." Sveniel said. "When a Demon Lord is destroyed, people tend to take notice, most notably his Majesty here who tries his best to stay informed. "

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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