The Writer.

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The 7 Kingdom alliance, also known as Kazedomra, as far as Marie knew, was an odd thing she had never heard of in her world. 

Countries usually never submitted to any rule but their own and whatever tentative treaties they had set up for themselves. Like the United Nations. 

However, Kazedomra was different. They were 7 countries, each with their own king and ruler, with each a differing governmental system. But they were all collectively under one king who could determine his wishes for all of them. And these 7 countries merged together into one massive Kingdom of 7 Countries, known as Kazedomra. 

So if you were a citizen of one of the countries, say Khesh to the south for example. You were effectively the citizen of two kingdoms. Khesh, and Kazedomra. 

It was said that the countries were made into such a way as a way to easily unify allies in times of war, and to easily trade resources among each other, promoting unity, while not doing anything as harsh as conquering neighbors. Or at least that's how Sveniel put it. Personally Marie felt Kazedomra was the only real country now, and the 'kingdoms' were more like states actually. 

But it wasn't as if she knew politics anyways. 

The Capital of Kazedomra stood in the center of the map of the 7 countries, where all their borders met on top of the large craggy forested mountains of Kain. 

Much of the journey there was spent walking along craggy narrow paths that winded up massive cliff sides over looking clouds, hundreds to thousands of feet below. Many times, in order to stop for camp, Viola's men would have to set up cots that latched to the side of the mountain, like cliffside hammocks as the roads were too narrow to set up camp on without rolling off the mountain in your sleep by accident. 

Marie was not the best with heights, already suffering 2 traumatic instances where Sveniel had to pull her back from the edge when she almost fell off. 

"This is crazy.. this entire place is crazy!" Mini-Godzilla said as Marie hugged her face to the wall of another mountain while the travel group carefully walked up the narrow 3 foot wide path winding upwards. 

"This place used to be filled with Dragons.. it was an ideal home for them.. flight is the best means of travel here." said Viola. 

"And in case you haven't noticed, WE CAN'T FLY!" Mini-Godzilla exclaimed. "We've been on these mountains for nearly 6 days now! Marie is on her last ropes! Look at her!"

Marie was shivering with fear, her eyes shut tight as she rode piggy back on Sveniel's back, which she would not let go of ever since her second near fall. "Wh.. what are you talking about you stupid iguana..I.. I'm fine..!"

"You most certainly are not!" Mini-Godzilla growled, folding his stubby arms as he poked his head a little farther out of Marie's pack. "We need to find solid ground we won't fall to our deaths from soon!"

Over the month of travelling, Marie and her partner had trained together more and more to improve their abilities, and it had finally gotten to a point where they could have civil conversations with each other, and to Mira's surprise, she began to see Godzilla actually show a measure of concern for her at times.. it was strange..  just what WAS his actual opinion on humans..?

Meanwhile, Marie hadn't forgotten the vision she had seen of the young Godzilla.  He was somebody just as alone as she was. 

But then again.. he killed her parents.. 

She didn't know what to feel about him anymore, only that she was now more willing to work with him, even if she wasn't ready to become his friend. 

The Time I got Reincarnated as Godzilla, 1.Where stories live. Discover now