The Church of the Three Gods.

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King Vetalum sat upon his throne, stroking his beard as he watched a magical projection play before him, showing glimmering images of Marie's monster form while she fought against Chernyl. 

"This monster.." muttered the old king. "Is not like any we have seen before.. power like that.. without magic?"

King Vetalum was a strong looking man.. his muscles bristled under his golden armor, purple robes and wizened ring wearing fingers. His white beard was well trimmed and covered a strong and handsome face for a 180 year old man. 

As traditional with the King of the 7 Countries of Kazedomra, he did not wear a crown, but instead carried a golden helm under his right arm, that resembled the head of a lordly dragon. 

The mage who was projecting the image with his staff, bowed. "It does not dwell in the records of the ancients, and any further attempt of research on what this beast might be has completely stumped all the head curators and scholars in the Hall of Records.  My lord.. I apologize, but we don't know what it is.. all we know, is that it is in fact on par with the Lord Dragons.. 

"Could it possibly match.. a Numensapien..?" muttered Vetalum. 

"Nothing of that scale that we know of.." said the mage.  "I doubt it could scratch the heavenly Lightning Maiden from the other world of guilds..  but this monster does present a troubling fact.. that beings without magic can indeed reach another scale of power.."

"Any information on the source of it's strength?" asked Vetalum. 

"We have collected samples of the odd energy it used. It is volatile, untamed, appearing to result from a reaction that occurs when splitting atoms of a certain element we have been unable to pinpoint." said the mage. "Unlike magic, it is simply Power.. it does not create, alter reality, bend space and time, or allow one to conjure up a teacup from thin air..  it simply destroys.  From observation spells placed at the time, we deduced that the beast whose essence was absorbed by that girl.. FED on this energy.. produced more of it.. it is inherent to it's very life cycle.."

"Hmmm very well.. continue to observe Sveniel's new student very closely.." King Vetalum muttered. "We must not let up our caution for even a second..  and, grant credit of Chernyl's defeat to Sveniel."

"M.. my lord? That is quite harsh.  The girl is already being ridiculed in the Monster Mage community due to her beast possessing no magic! Surely she deserves some recognition-." said the mage.

"It pains me to say this, but if word were to get out of a beast with this capability regardless of magic.. there might come a panic or uprising among the Adventurer's Guild, and we can't afford it in this climate, not when war is beginning to brew between the 7 Country Alliance and the 12 Country Axis.." said Vetalum.  "Keep the power of this beast quiet for now...  by the way, does it have a name at least..?"

"Sveniel said that this monster destroyed the girl's parents before it's mysterious death and it's essence was absorbed to her.. " said the mage. "When she sleeps, she produces a name for it as she curses it in her nightmares.. that is the only name we know of.."

"And..?" said the King. "What is it called? Any way to refer to this anomaly without causing confusion would be welcome.."

The mage nodded. "She called it.. Godzilla.. my lord.."


Marie opened her eyes.. she seemed to be standing in a dark plane... surrounded by nothingness... for a moment she couldn't seem to surmise where she was, then she looked up to see a massive set of flaming blue eyes.. bristling with powerful radiation.. 

The Time I got Reincarnated as Godzilla, 1.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora