chapter eight

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     The doors swung open as if in slow motion and it didn't help that as soon as Sky stepped into the room she was hit with a blast of cold air that sent a sliver down her back. The lights were dimmer, the walls painted in a light gray and the floor a dark marble spotted with gold, like stars flowing through the night sky. There wasn't much in the room, simply a long table set with five chairs, one of which sat at the very end already sat in by who she could only guess was Mr. Hunter.

    He looked to be in his late sixties, with graying hair and deep wrinkles around his blue eyes and mouth as if he never smiled. Sky had to admit she couldn't see much of Alexander in him besides his eyes and she wondered what his mother had looked liked given it appeared he had gotten his looks from her. 

   Above him on the wall hung a map of the united states that had been divided into four, well had been someone had taken a red marker and cut it in thirds. The East and West had been crossed out and written over it was the South leaving only The North standing.


  Sky flinched at the sound of his booming voice as it echoed around the room. William and Nicholas quickly sat down on one side of the dark wooden table leaving her and Alexander the other. 

   Alexander pulled her out a chair and she sat down quickly. He pushed it in before he sat down himself, taking the chair next to his father. 

   "So what is the reason behind this meeting?" Mr. Hunter asked crossing his fingers. 

   "As you know we had two code 409's this week father, one at my club then at the Park."

  " I know, Chief Godbee wasn't happy about that, do you know how much time and money it costs to clean those things up?"

   "Of course sir, but you have to admit that things are getting worse. We need to-" 

   "Stop," Mr. Hunter said, cutting his son off. "We have been over this countless times and I will only tell you one last time that we can not break the deal."

  "Father don't you understand, there is no more deal! The South has been sending more and more people after us and now Parker is here in New York, and I have a feeling it's not just for sightseeing." 

   "I understand, but you must know that I'm trying to make sure you don't get into a war we can't win."

   "Sir," Nicholas said, chiming in, his voice deeper then normal, as if he was trying to sound older. "We don't have to go into a full out war, if we try to take control of the East by going after their head base we may be able to-"

   "We have no idea where their base is and we can't afford the manpower it would take to look when we need it here." 

   "We have to try something," Alexander said, a wave of quiet anger clear in his voice now, like a spark about ready to catch, "Otherwise we're just sitting ducks waiting to get our heads blown off one by one."

   "He's right Sir," William said, "If we don't at least make a counter strike we are done, we can only hold off these attacks for so long."

   Sky watched Mr. Hunter's eyes go hard as he shook his head, "I'm done talking about this me and my people are in negotiations with The North."

   "And that's all their ever will be, talking and talking until their pointing a gun to the back of your head, they'll run you around in circles until it's too late," Alexander hissed.

  "Don't speak to me like that!" his father snapped.

   Sky could feel the tension in the room as the men looked at one another. She shot a look at William and Nicholas both looking awkward as they sat there, having to keep a straight face. 

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