Chapter 4~~~~~

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Woohoo! It's the weekend at last! I'm at the mall which is what I do on typical Saturdays. I went to the supermarket... As normal. I put the groceries in the car ... As normal. There's a man staring at me that has fangs and horns... NOT AS NORMAL! PLASE TELL ME THATS A COSTUME FOR HALLOWEEN, SINCE ITS OCTOBER!

The man all of a sudden grew sharp claws and leaped towards me! Nobody was looking and my mom was in the toilet. I looked around for a place to hide, but there was absolutely no hiding place to be seen. So I just ran. I ran and ran until the man started catching up with me, and with my back turned to the man nightingale came out of nowhere and stabbed him in the gut!

She turned towards me. All she did was look at me like she didn't stab something with a sword and she emerged back into the crowd...

Wow is she everywhere at once? Has she been stalking me? All these questions flew around in my head over and over again until it was time to drive home.

When I got home I quickly switched in my phone and went straight to whatsapp. My whatsapp was flooding over with messages that were all in capital letters. I read all of them and realized that each and every one of us had some sort of creature stalking us.

I joined in the typing havoc and told them about mine. Soon my whatsapp was definitely flooded with more than 1000 messages!

Absolutely everything that happened to us was about the same, we all faced a monster and nightingale turned each of them to dust and dissapeared! Weird...

The rest of the weekend wasn't eventful, kind of boring actually. After all that excitement and feeling the adrenaline coursing through our veins was quite a lot of excitement compared to going on with our daily lives.

As normal, on Sunday night I ate dinner then I went to bathe and then I went to sleep.

Sadly though I had a nightmare. I went through that terrifying event over and over again until morning. When I woke up I looked like a panda with black rings all around my eyes.

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