Chapter 17~~~~~

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We returned from the canteen and found Max the mechanical monster staring at us from section 3.

" Welcome back! Give me all your weapons before you fight Max!", barked Nightingale.

We handed her our weapons, then she called out our names in alphabetical order.

" This is the order that your going to be in!", shouted Nightingale.

" First is Chan Yu-Xuan!"

Yu-Xuan stepped into the ring and waited at one corner while Max was at the other.

Nightingale blew the whistle and Max ran towards Yu-Xuan while breathing fire!

Max charged towards her and she managed to jump out of the way before the heavy metal beast could push her out of the ring.

Max turned around and tried to punch her in the face. Yu-Xuan used her powers and ran behind him and kicked him in the back. Max stumbled out of the ring and landed hard on the floor.

" Chen Yili!"

I stepped into the ring and waited at the corner.

Nightingale blew the whistle and we began. Max just stood there, not wanting to make the first move.

I ran towards him and dodged a line of fire. I ran behind him but I was too slow! He blew out fire at my face and I willed my mind to make it go through me.

Max seemed confused and started blowing out fire and punching as hard as he could, but none of it hit me! Everything just went right through me!

I just stood there for I don't know, about 5 minutes while he continued punching and blowing fire.

Eventually he gave up that technique and ran to his corner and charged at me. I willed myself to go through him. He went right through me and I quickly stopped using my power and pushed him as hard as I could over the side of the ring.

" Next is Ella Lee!"

Ella stepped into the ring and defeated the monster in less than 5 minutes!

Next was Ethel followed by Kelly.

Nightingale congratulated us ( which felt pretty awkward) and told us to go home.

We all left through the manhole and talked about different techniques to defeat Max while waiting for our parents to pick us up.

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