Chapter 8~~~~~

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Now it's the end of the first period of ccl. My ccl is choir as you know but choir takes both period 1 and period 2 of ccl, so me and Ella can't ditch second period ccl. We will have to find someway to get out of here now!

We ask the teacher if we can go to the toilet and she just had to say " No!"

We went back to our seats and thought of how we could possibly get out of here. We didn't have to do it for a long time since nightingale came to the rescue. Damn, did I just say come to the rescue? It sounds as if I'm talking about a hero! Uggghhhh!

We didn't notice that nightingale knocked on the door and was whispering to the choir teacher until she shouted " Yili, Ella come with me right now!"

Nightingale asked us why we didn't come to the canteen. We explained and then she told us to go first and take her remote with the big red button on it. We were too scared from the questioning to ask her why she wanted us to go first.

We took our seats pressed the button and in unison shouted," Aaaaahhhhh!"

For the first time in forever ( although it's only my second time) I didn't fall through concrete slabs. Instead I landed on a pillow that started to slide down a chute. Who knew a teacher would have something like this in secret?

I landed on another cushion and I saw Kelly, Ethel and Yu-Xuan staring me. I then heard this," Yili get out of the way now!"

Boom! A new worst accident of 2014 nominee.

We sat down and waited for about ten minutes before nightingale came out of one of those swirling gymnastics ribbons teleport.

" Yes my power is to teleport around. Not useful in fighting monsters." said nightingale.

I just noticed she was carrying a yellow A4 paper box that seemed to have loads of things inside that definitely weren't paper.

" I've got your weapons. I collected these from some people that I know that's on our side. Okay, two guns, a metal ball with spikes on a chain, a spear, another gun, a sword, a bow with some arrows and a whip. Come and collect your weapons."

" Actually, I change my mind! I will teleport them to each of your lockers so that the cameras won't spot them. Meet me here again on Friday." says nightingale.

" But it's a public holiday!", complained Yu-Xuan.

" Exactly!"

" Tell your parents that there actually is school on Friday. All of you can train with each of your weapons on Friday." Said nightingale.

Instead of teleporting us out she made us follow her to a secret exit. When we got to the exit we had to climb a ladder and lift up a circular metal... Manhole?

Her secret exit is a manhole? The manhole was at the corner of the car park at our school.

It was already 4.30 and our parents were already here. We all went home and started whatsapping just for fun. Absolutely nothing about powers...

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