Chapter 7~~~~~

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Today is Tuesday. I woke up, brushed my teeth and then drove to school. I got to school and went up the ramp as normal, so far nothing weird has happened. Whenever I turn a corner I look if there's anyone or anything around the corner.

I went to my locker and took out my keys and opened my locker. I started panicking, I didn't see my bird vial! I looked around my locker and found it hidden behind my pair of shoes for sports.

I seriously have to get some sort of special place in my locker to keep this!

We all met up at the lockers and went for classes as normal.


Last lesson of the day is from nightingale. She opened the door of the class and let everybody come in, but since me and my friends were the last people in the line she stopped us at the door, took a quick look inside the classroom to see if anyone was looking and said " I'm not going to tell you about Ethel's or Kelly's power now because we don't have enough time, but this is what I can tell you. You all have found out about your powers and now word has gone around and has reached the monsters. Some of the monsters know your powers and will be looking out for them. I suggest, don't attempt to practice your powers and that you girls should get some weapons. That's all I can say for now... OK CLASS TODAY WE WILL BE LEARNING ABOUT..."

We took our seats and let the boring lesson begin.

At the end of class we waited for everyone else to leave before walking to nightingale's desk. Only me,kelly,tjun yi and yu-Xuan were there because Ethel was a year older than us and was in a totally different class.

Before we could ask anything nightingale said "Take a seat". We took a seat and nightingale started talking." Can someone please go and get Ethel!"

Yu-Xuan rose her hand and did not listen to nightingale about not trying to use her powers, and with that she ran as fast as she could and then ZOOM! Gone...

5 Minutes later she came back with Ethel.

" Now that we are all here I would like you girls to tell me what weapons you would want. Normally a person with powers like us would only have one weapon. One power, one weapon. since you all have two, I will have to give you two weapons each. We will start with Yili."

" Umm... I guess I'll take two guns and practice using two at once!" I replied.

" How about you Ethel?" asked nightingale.

" I think I'll have a bow and arrows. What are my powers?" asked Ethel.

" Ah yes, Ethel your power is fire and invisibility, and Kelly your powers are air and magic, as in you can make people see things that aren't really there and stuff like that!"

" So Kelly your weapons are?" asked nightingale

" I guess mine will be like a mace but instead of a stick it has a chain. And I'll also take a gun as backup." said Kelly.

" Next is yu-Xuan, so what will it be eh?"

" Mine is going to be a sword and a spear." replied yu-Xuan.

" Ella?"

" I'll have a mace and a whip." replied Ella.

" Okay, I want all of you girls to get out of your second ccl and come to the cafeteria. Then I can explain more things about your powers."nightingale said.

It was 5 pm by the time she let us leave. I went home after that.

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