Chapter 22~~~~~

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" Is that a..."

Nightingale cut me off with a short, silent," Yes..."

Many things were racing through my mind. Are you f* kidding me! It's a freakin Archimala!

" Are you kidding me? It's a freakin Archimala!", said Ella.

I was thinking, " Wow! Did u get a third power? reading minds? AND DUH ITS AN ARCHIMALA!", Well I obviously wouldn't shout that out in a public plane.

We heard glass shatter at the front of the plane. Air stewardess' were screaming and panicking. We were sitting near the front of the plane and saw the pilots door swing open.

It was empty! The glass that we heard shattering was the glass in the cockpit.

Air stewards and stewardesses were holding on to their seats and seat belts trying to not get sucked out.

The plane started to dive down! Nightingale took off her seatbelt no matter how many times the air stewards shouted at her. She held on to the cabinets and chairs around her, slowly making her was to the cock pit.

She reached the pilots chair, took a seat and fastened herself in. She surprised us all by taking the controls without getting sucked out of the plane first.

The plane gradually turned up until it was facing front again instead of down. Everybody including Nightingale tried to not get sucked out of the plane.

All of a sudden a black in color monster flew threw the shattered window and landed in front of the air stewards.

Nightingale shouted something that we couldn't hear because of the howling wind. She seemed to understand that we couldn't hear her and pointed at the monster.

I started using hand signals and other body language to say, " No way! I am so not going to fight the most dangerous monster known to our kind!"

For the next 30 seconds we had an argument of hand gestures until the monster reached out with his gruesome hand to one of the air steward's necks.

Claws shot out of its hand, missing the man's throat by a mere inch. Ethel caught its attention with a blazing fireball.

Ethel's fireball hit it on its back. The Arcimala turned around and retracted his claws. He walked towards us, as if figuring out what we are and who in the world threw a pesky little fireball at him.

His claws returned. He slashed at Kelly. She avoided it by flying across the aisle.

" We have to get him out of here!", shouted Kelly.

I had a plan, but there was one small problem. It meant that me and Kelly had to fight him alone since we both could fly.

" Kelly!", I shouted. Then I nodded my head towards the shattered window.

She nodded back. She flew up and opened up our bags and took her spiked ball that's attached to a chain. Then she took out two guns and threw them to me. We've had a bit of throwing practice in class. Whenever the teacher went out we would take our marker pens and would throw them across the class at each other.

I took my gun and shot one of his wings. He turned around.

" Hey ugly, let's talk outside."

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