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Slam another door

Cringe at another thought

Cry at another memory

Of a hopeless battle fought

Forget, or try

No use, I know that

No matter how much I wish

Time isn't turning back

Fall again

Every time I see the sight 

Of something that rings of

The cursed cursed fight

Moonlight shines

I feel caught in its glare

Like the flickering light of a fire

Deep inside a dragons lair

Caught forever

Drowning in thoughts and a lost cause

I can't rewind, I can't even


Cry, scream, shout

Do it all I want

It won't change a single thing

Won't save a single thought

Surrounded by

The "perfect" ones

It makes me shudder

At the things they've done


Not so perfect at all

I learned that long after

The fall


Why me trapped here


With no one to hear.

Snow in the Middle of JuneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora