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I give up

I can't try to explain

How I'm the one

Who deserves all the blame

I should've been better

Somewhere I did something wrong

I shouldn't have...shouldn't have let her...

But by then he was long gone

Why couldn't I see

How much it would hurt to lose

A part of me

I knew what would happen

But I stood by

I was too afraid to say a word

Just a silent silent cry

Why did I hope

For something I knew

Would never happen

Never be true

I disgust myself

In every possible way

Cowardly, weak, 

Can't walk away


I have to say my piece

Why can't I let it go

Why can't I leave it how it was

No I had to let them know

That I was hurt

But they already knew

Why did I try...

To break the girl who flew

Its my fault

Don't tell me its not

I wish I could disappear

And just be forgot

Don't say a word

Not a harsh phrase or

Their name

I take it all

I take all the blame

Snow in the Middle of JuneWhere stories live. Discover now