Don't flirt with me! I'm a reformed manwhore

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I called Finn a manwhore the first time we met( which he was, that dirty womanizer!) which is why for our first anniversary I had him made a T-shirt that read 'Don't flirt with me! I'm a reformed manwhore'. It cracks both of us up. It's our very own inside joke.

Finn and I celebrate the anniversary of the first time we met, not the anniversary of our first date. Incidentally we met on my best friend Dora's birthday. We went out for a drink. At the last minute, Dora decided to invite Kay, this guy she was flirting with. She had decided that that day would be the day they finally hooked up. Kay brought along his best friend Finn. Dora and Kay did end up hooking up. So did Finn and I. We lasted, they didn't.

I'd never felt anything like that. My friends and I had been dancing when Finn and Kay walked in. Kay politely said hello to all of us before he focused all of his attention on Dora. But Finn headed straight for me. He ignored all the others, as I would once I had a taste of him. I've asked him why he chose me that night. I'll admit it, Finn is Finn. He could have gotten any girl he wanted. Moreover all of my friends are gorgeous which is why I've always sympathized with the protagonist from The Duff. Finn told me that I had immediately captured his attention. Unlike my friends who were all dressed up and made-up, I had the 'I just woke up' look. I was the only one wearing jeans. I was also wearing a bright-red shirt which clashed with my frizzy, red hair. My big eyeglasses finished off my nerdy look. Finn said he fell for my nerdy charms immediately. He tells me he liked how I looked so out of place in the bar yet I was dancing around with my friends as if I did.

As for me, I was so drunk I didn't even take notice of what he looked like. All I remember from that night was that he was smooth. He started flirting ferociously and immediately, as soon as he said hello. Me being the introvert that I am, his attention would have normally made me uncomfortable, drunk or otherwise. But he managed to make me feel comfortable around him. Now that I think about it, he did his best to impress me although I was already impressed from the moment he said hello. He casually let slip that he was an engineer (an older guy!guy? He was a man!) and multi-lingual. At one point, he started flirting with me in French. I wasn't going to let him win so I flirted back in French. He was impressed. He dropped compliments with every line he said. When I spoke French, he mentioned that he could tell I was smart from the moment he had laid his eyes on me. When I bemoaned how under-dressed I felt compared to my friends, he said it meant I was confident without the extra makeup. He also told me that I was prettier than any of them would ever be. When I mentioned how much I had to drink, he told me he loved an ambitious woman (he called me a woman when everybody treats me like a child) who also knew how to have fun. He was good. He knew how to turn every word I said into flattery.

"You dirty flatterer." I accused him.

"It's not flattery if it's true." He said winking. Oh, he was good.I knew then, he was obviously a playboy.

"You're a manwhore." I said drunkenly. He didn't deny it. I knew what he was from the beginning but it was too late, I couldn't resist him. So when he leaned in for a kiss, I didn't push him away.

He's a stranger! You just met him! We're in public! My mind warned me. But his lips looked so good. That first kiss sent fireworks exploding throughout my body. I was hungry for more. But he teased me, leaning in and withdrawing, holding me back when I tried to force my way to get to his lips. I didn't know what had gotten into me. All I knew was that I had to get to his lips.

"Slowly." He whispered in my ears. He took my hand and led me to the makeshift dance floor where couples were dancing. I'm a horrible dancer. But he led me perfectly and we swayed against each other. I was acting so bold! He finally let me kiss him. It was sweet and slow.

"Your friend works fast!" I heard Kay say from wherever he was.

"Your friend works fast." Dora retorted.

I could feel Finn smiling while kissing me. I smiled back. We drew away from each other and I finally saw how beautiful his hazel eyes were.

"Finn." I said smiling.

"May." He smiled back.

"May!" A hand grabbed me. It was my friend Amy.

"My brother is here to pick us up. Let's go!" She said. Without even saying good-bye or turning around, I ran after my friend. When I was in the car, I sobered up a little.

"You slut!" Amy said. Normally I would have felt offended and I would have given her a lecture on the misuse of the word. But I felt too elated to care. We both laughed. I had just had the best night of my life. And then I stopped smiling.

"Oh no, I didn't give him my number!" I said.

"Don't worry, he'll get it from Dora." Amy reassured me. Dora, right! I leaned against Amy's shoulder and dozed off with a smile. I was sure he was going to call me.

But he never did.

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