Texting Finn

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I was in my senior year in college. After 18 years of determined and focused studying, I didn't need the distraction of a boy in my life. I worked hard to get to where I am. I've never received compliments regarding my grades, not even from my parents. When people find out about my grades, they usually react with "well duh, it's you". Truth of the matter is, I'm not that smart. My sister Rachel, now she's smart. She's never studied a day in her life but she's always been top of her class. She studied abroad on a scholarship and now works in a telecommunications company in Dubai. But me, I've had to work hard and restlessly for every A. Back in high school, I used to be the kid who studied harder than anyone but still got worse grades than the smart kids. My turning point was my senior year in high school. I realized I had been going at it the wrong way. I adopted a new method of studying and it worked! My grades improved drastically just in time for the Matriculation. Thankfully, I got into the college I've always wanted and I'm a senior thesis away from graduating. I kept getting closer and closer to achieving my dream. A boy like Finn would only get in the way. After that incredible night, I tried to forget about Finn. Eventually, I managed to forget about him. But on the night I was packing my bags to go off to college the next day for my senior year, he popped up in my head. I realized that I would be 110 km away and the smallest chance of ever seeing him again, if there was one, disappeared. I told myself it was for the best. I had to maintain my 3.8 GPA and a boy, especially a boy like Finn, would only be a distraction.

I went to sleep early because of the early departure of my bus the next day. However I was woken up by the beep of my phone informing me I had a text. Grumpily, I picked up my phone. It was from a number that I didn't know.

Guess who? The text said. Creepy. But maybe because I had been thinking about Finn before I fell asleep, I thought that maybe it could be him. I told myself it was impossible. How long had it been since that night? I counted in my head. Four months! God, that was so long ago. Had I really not been able to forget about him in four months? But most importantly, he probably has forgotten about me. It was probably a random person I met somewhere and that I had forgotten about (the same way Finn has probably forgotten about me).

Me-Apparently someone who's rude enough to wake me up when it's clearly late!

I went back to sleep but I was woken up by the beep again.

Creep-It's eight o'clock.

What?Don't judge me! I had to get up early the next day.

Me-Whoever you are, I have to wake up early tomorrow to go to college so go bother someone else.

Creep-Ah, just my luck.It took me ages to find your number and when I finally do, it's the day before you have to leave.

It couldn't be him, could it?


Creep-So you do remember me.

Me-How did you get my number?

Creep/Finn-Dora went AWOL so I launched an investigation. I finally found you, mystery girl.

Me-You still haven't answered my question. Who gave you my number?

Creep/Finn-Does it matter? What matters is that I looked for you for months and that I found you.

Me-Yeah, right!Why would you look for me for months? I bet you just happened to stumble upon my number.

Creep/Finn-Trust me, I looked for you. All I had to go on was your first name, which high school and college you went to and the fact that you're friends with Dora.I looked for you alright.

Me-I bet you say that to all the girls.

Creep/Finn-Babe, I have girls chasing me, I don't do the chasing. You're the only one who's ever been worth chasing.

Me-Modest, aren't you?

Creep/Finn-Just truthful.

I admit it, I was blushing. He was good. I couldn't deny the fact that he probably did have girls chasing him. I mean he was, well, hot. And charming. And charismatic. And I was just, well, me. He could have any girl he wants. Why me? Something was fishy. Besides, I didn't like the fact that he was creating cracks in my resolve to focus on school this year.

Me-I have to wake up early tomorrow.Goodnight.

I was determined that that would be my last text to Finn ever.

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