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I had managed to ignore Finn's texts for a long while. Part of me was impressed that he persistently texted at first despite my non-replies. Eventually he stopped.

It was the night after our last mid-exam. Angela was uncharacteristically home with me and not partying.

"I'm bored.Give me a boy's number." Angela said.

"Since when do you need me to give you boys' numbers?" I asked.

"Since I started getting bored of college boys. " She took my phone away from me.

"Hey, give that back.My favorite wattpad writer finally updated!" I protested. Angela rolled her eyes at me.

"You're such a dork!" She started scrolling through my contacts.

"You have like five boys' numbers and three of them are your cousins."

"And your point is?" I asked defensively.

"It's self-explanatory. Who's Ben?" She asked.

"He's my study partner, the one with the gla..."

"Pass!Let's see. Who's Finn?"

"You can't text him!" I let out a yell. Embarrassed, I composed myself. "I mean, you don't want to text him.He's not your type."

"I'll decide that. Besides I'm bored." Angela said. Before I could stop her, she took his number and started texting him.

"You can go back to your watt-ever." She said as she went to her bed. I knew I couldn't stop her. Angela was immovable once she set her mind on something. So I tried to go back to to wattpad but Angela's giggles were distracting, not to mention hurtful. I told myself that it shouldn't matter, that I wasn't even going to text him back.

I lasted for about four days. I was disturbed by Angela's change in behavior. She was constantly texting and I hadn't seen her go out on dates since I had given her Finn's number. That's a huge feat for Angela.

On day five I cracked. I was studying on my bed and Angela was texting. I heard a particularly throaty laugh from Angela. I knew that laugh. I've been living with her for four years. It meant she was turned on. Trying to seem casual, I strolled over to her bed.

"Who are you texting?" I asked and tried to peek. Angela hid her phone from me.

"None of your business." She said. I was shocked. Angela has never tried to hide texts from me. On the contrary, she loved gloating and forcefully showing me her texts and bragging about her conquests.

I ran to my bed and grabbed my phone. I hesitated for only a second.

Hi, Finn. I wrote and pressed send. I knew there was no going back.

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