Kissing Finn

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I regretted texting Finn the very next day. Did I really text him because Angela was? Was I really jealous? But I couldn't seem to stop texting him. He was witty and funny and a flatterer as always. Most importantly, he kept calling me baby when I barely knew the guy. This was a clear sign that I wasn't special as he claimed. I was probably just a girl on a list of girls he was texting. He probably called us all baby so as not to accidentally call us by the wrong name. But damn it, I still kept texting him. I told myself that it was harmless. It's not like I was going to see the guy. It was harmless texting. He was clearly flirting and so what if I flirted back just a little?

This went on for a month, a month of daily texting Finn. We talked about everything. Finn started feeling like a real person instead of a figment of my imagination, as I had once started suspecting. And one day he sent the text that would change everything.

Finn-When are you coming back home?

Me-I don't know.Why?

Finn-I wanna see you.

It was a simple text but I didn't answer for half a day. At the end of the day, as Angela and I were getting ready for bed, I blurted and asked how things were going between her and Finn.

"Why?" She asked me.I was flustered. Angela has never been defensive.She's the most open person I know. This time she definitely sounded defensive and I didn't like it. I hated being left in the dark.

"Did I tell you how I know him?"

"As a matter of fact, I've been meaning to ask you.He's not really your crowd,is he?" She asked.

"I met him at a bar." I said. Angela raised her eyebrow.

"For Dora's birthday. I think I told you about it."

"Ah, yes, Dora." Angela said uncomfortably.

"We kind of flirted.He wants to see me." I told her. Her expression remained guarded.

"I was thinking of going back home this weekend." I added. I was testing the waters.

"Great, I was planning on going as well.We can all go grab a drink." She said cheerfully.

"Huh?The three of us?" I asked her uncomfortably.

"Why not?Would that be too awkward?Tell him to bring a friend, a hot one!" She said. That sounded more like Angela.

"Oh,okay,great.I'll tell him." I said. And then I realized what I had gotten myself into but it was too late to turn back.

We set the date for Friday night at the bar where we first met. After the trip, Angela and I went back to my house first to get dressed. Angela went all out as usual. She wore an indecently short dress and topped it off with a leather jacket. Also as usual, she made fun of my choice in clothes.

"It's cold." I complained.

"They're gonna think you're underage and kick you out of the bar.At least take off your glasses." She told me.

"Finn likes them." I mumbled.



When we went to the bar, the boys hadn't arrived yet, not that I would know. Angela had bullied me into leaving my glasses home. Angela ordered a shot of vodka. I ordered a bottle of coke. Angela rolled her eyes at me but I didn't feel like drinking. I don't drink as a rule unless my friends use the 'but it's my birthday' card on me. Frankly speaking,I still feel weird drinking and going to parties and whatnot.I feel like a kid playing at grownup.

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