1 and 3 in a nutshell

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these two are idiots but what can you do?


I had a dream 'bout Luca n Allen and some other bullshit.

I just wanna write it down bc I'll forget it soon.

But, basically, Allen keeps hitting on Luciano during lunch while Luciano is trying to do his own shit. Allen is only doing it because he wants to spite his Dad while Luciano is trying his damnedest to keep the fact he's gay from his grandfather (who has off-handedly commented that he'd kill them if they were queer on multiple occasions because tradition. 

Flavio knows and is half, "you're gonna have to tell him" and "get a fake girlfriend to make him happy for a bit" and Luciano keeps telling him to let it lie.

But then Allen keeps laying on the flirting and it starts getting to Luciano but he's like, trying not to break his heart because Allen doesn't know but Allen was literally guessing that Luciano was gay so maybe he just wants the worst to happen? 

Anyways, eventually, Luciano gets some counselling starts playing along with Allen's flirting a little because the school has his back (or at least the art teacher and counsellor). 

Then, one day, at lunch, Luciano is at the art rooms, working on a piece for school (as you do) and Allen shows up and admires it loudly. Their conversation goes a little personal because Al wants the back story and Luca has only told the counsellor (the art teacher just picked up clues and ultimately detective'd their way to the truth) about his home troubles. Allen keeps prying and Luciano keeps being vague until Luciano asks his own question. To which the answer is "you literally wear knee-high high heel boots to school. And don't think I haven't seen that rainbow friendship bracelet tied to your computer bag."

Luciano sighs in relief, realising Allen meant it was pure guesswork. Bell rings and Luciano immediately shoos him away.

 A few days later and Allen asks him out and says he has a plan. Luciano hears the plan, tweaks in and then agrees eventually. 

Here's how it goes: Luciano goes to grab his keys, Grandpa asks where he's going, Luca says "I got a date and I gotta go pick her up" Grandpa gets real happy and asks to see her and Luca has that moment of 'I'm fucked I'm so fucked' but says "sure..? I'll show a picture??" but then he's like "no, in person" and Luca goes "it's only a first date, I don't wanna scare her off, you know?" he's like "yeah, I guess." Then they do this awkward hug thing and Luca leaves for the rendezvous point with Allen and his sister in law Madeline and they drove to the restaurant where surprise, surprise, Grandpa face-times Luciano and they have to spend like 10 minutes explaining that Allen is being the third wheel because his friends all cancelled on him and he had no way home. then Allen and Luciano part with Madeline and they go to a bar and get hammered. The two then have to call Madeline and beg her to come to pick them up because they're too drunk to drive. One bus ride later and she's there and can't stop laughing at how desperate they sounded. She takes 'a couple' photos and then drives them to her house where they stay the night. 

Luciano art I guess?Where stories live. Discover now