Tag + heights

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Tagged by TheIrishRover

Tagged by TheIrishRover

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1 I don't.

2 it's Venus. Lmao just joshing y'all. I'm not telling yous.

3 162.5cm

4 mostly hazel but it changes drastically sometimes.

5 the other night. Ranted about something religious on two Discord servers and then cried myself to daybreak. Then I listened to music and started crying because I don't fucking know, okay? Sometimes people just cry.

6 haha... Hard to say really. I fear being seen as some sort of monster who only pretends to love their friends so they can feel better about their self to distract from the constant crumbling of their life and mentality. But I'd have to say I fear the after of death. Not Death itself. Just what comes after... What if it's just pitch black? Or constant static?

7 Sanctuary by Welshly Arms or something like that. I was just about to listen to my playlist though. Listen to Filthy Pride or Duality, maybe.

8 well. No one. Unless you count the message board here. Then it would be my good mate TheIrishRover

9 don't know. Don't care.

10 absolutely not. I don't even remember 5 people how am I supposed to tag 20?

Now. On to something much better.

 On to something much better

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My boys. Minus Damien and Eleven...

This is all the height differences. As yous can see. Ten is fucking huge and I spent about two seconds on Three so he looks shitty.


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