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I opened the door, letting all the guys in. Ava was sound asleep, and we were getting everything ready. My present, the boys' presents, Viola's present, a card from Lucy, and a card from Georgia laid on the table.

Calum started to cook breakfast, while Luke and Michael put the cake away. As Calum started to dish up the food- with the other's help- I began to wake up Ava.

I softly sang happy birthday, rubbing my thumb against her cheek. She jumped, rubbing her eyes and yawning.


"What do you mean no? I snorted, watching her stretch.

"We need to wait for the boys to come over,"

"They are over, and Cal has made some nice breakfast for us all,"

"They're here?" she croaked, pushing past me to get out the room, "Michael,"

I smiled, opening her curtains and going to the kitchen. It was always hit and miss when she woke up whether she would be happy or not, so it was a pleasant start.

"Thankyou," I told Calum, "it looks great,"

"I hope it tastes good then,"

"You help Ava cook all the time, I'm sure it's great,"

"Where are the dogs?" she said, disappointed.

"My mum is bringing them later, because they'd all get excited about the food and paper," Luke said.

"What's that?" she asked, pointing to an air bed.

"A temporary bed, because you have some interesting sleeping arrangements," Luke said, playfully pushing her towards the table.

We all sat down to eat, Ava next to Calum instead of where I was at the head of the table.

"So, what have we missed?"

"I won a drama award," she said proudly.

"That's amazing," Michael smiled.

"And next year, are you going in some more classes like that?" Luke asked.

"Maybe, I don't know,"

"I think you should,"

"Don't you have work tomorrow?" Ava said, cocking her head.

"It's a bank holiday, so no one is at work,"

"A what?"

"It's a day where we don't have to work. Luke and Michael will have to work some, but luckily this isn't one of them,"

She smiled and nodded, clumsily cutting her breakfast up. Calum looked horrified, and then took her cutlery to do it himself. Clearly, he couldn't cope with mixing anything up.

It amused me to see Ava's bored expression, knowing she wanted to eat it all right this second, but she was making a mess.

We'd all finished, but Ava was still munching through. She tended to be a slow eater, but I supposed she was hungry.

"Do you want a drink?"

"Yes please," she said, "thankyou guys for coming,"

"We couldn't miss such a big occasion,"

"I don't want to call you uncle, but you're like my uncles,"

I passed her a drink, Luke laughing loudly.

"Uncle makes me feel old,"

"Well, you are a bit old,"

"I'm the youngest,"

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