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february 16th, 2015

"konnichihaobaatyan" i walked into the employee's room and faced grandma.

"there's these boys that need help, i think they're foreigners, maybe korean"

"ah okay i'll go help them right away obaatyan!" 

my eyes turned to the big and tall boys that were speaking in confusion and arguing about soup.

"yah hyung is this ramen?"

"no jungkook look it says vegetable soup"

"hi, do you guys need help with anything?" my words cut through they're tension and only a few of the many boys turned to face me.

"ah yes, do you store ramen noodles in your store?" he was tall and had blonde tips in his hair while he rest of his friends had brownish looking hair.

"yeah we do, it's in the back. how much would you like?"

a boy hurried to the front almost falling over me but he quickly backed away from my face and ruffled his hair.

"i'll go help you- because we'll be getting a few boxes"

i nodded and turned to the storage room that was near the refrigerated drinks and snacks. my hand came to my pocket as i took a small key out, i opened the door and stepped inside as the boy followed behind me.

we walked all the way down to where the ramen was only to find two boxes full of it.

"oh...i'm sorry- will this be enough for you guys? i thought we had more but-"

"it's alright! this will be enough for us and thank you very much.."

"oh i'm aoki jukito, and you must be park jimin, am i right?"

his eyes widened at my response as a small chuckle left my mouth.

"how did you know?"

"well my friends are always talking about your band, and i recognized your face and your members"

"ah so your a fan?"

"what- i said my friends!" a laugh came out my mouth as he started to laugh with me.

i opened the door again and gave jimin a clear way to walk with the boxes in his arms, we met up with his members as they paid for their noodles and left the store.

"oh uh jukito, i hope you come to korea one day. maybe we could hang out"

my grin turned into a smile as i answered with,

"yeah hopefully we can do that"

"oh and, i would like to get this"

he handed me a lollipop which had a number written on the wrapper.

"ah alright then.." i grabbed my phone and write the number down.

"thanks and have fun while touring"

he gave me a slight nod and exited the store as he ran up to his members.

"what nice boys!" grandma said.

i chuckled and nodded,

"yeah they're very nice"

————————————————————————konnichihaobaatyan- hi grandma

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konnichihaobaatyan- hi grandma

obaatyan- grandma

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