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december 15th, 2018

"yah juktio, the cafe was too crowded today so i couldn't get our drinks"

"that's alright, we can just..talk" i sat across from him and set my bag down next to me.

he patted the seat next to him and pouted.


"come sit here!"

i chuckled and grabbed my bag as i moved next to him.

"so are you preparing for any comebacks?" he asked.

"january 2, i'll have my comeback"

"on our birthday? oh that sounds fun!" he started clapping and kept congratulating me.

"thanks well..could i tell you something?"

he nodded and handed me some candy.

"i dyed my hair black"


i nodded and popped a candy in my mouth, he lifted my beanie up and i noticed how his eyes widened at the sight of my black hair.

"can i just say, your blueberry hair is so adorable"

he chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. his sudden movements surprised me so i didn't move and just heard what he had to say.

"taehyung wants to go on that date with you"

my eyes widened and a smile formed on my face,

"really? he really wants to go on a date with me!"


"wow thanks so much jimin! i'm so excited now! let's go on a walk we can talk about what i should wear"

i grabbed his hand and rummaged through my bag looking for a mask, once i found one i lead us out our secret meeting place and i started walking towards the park.

while we walked i rambled on about my date and promotions that i didn't realize we were out in the open.

"thanks for doing this for me"

"no problem, but just to let you know...taehyung didn't seem that interested in going on that date, he said that you had talked with him and you didn't want to actually go on a date but you wanted to talk about me with him?"

my eyes widened at his words, i ruffled my hair and walked a little faster but he caught up with me and wrapped his around my waist.

"what were you going to say to him?"

"nothing bad i promise! i just wanted to talk to taehyung and see how you were doing.."

"why? i'm doing great!"

i turned around and locked eyes with him, my arms came around his waist as well as i said,

"i'm just worried about you..you've been touring a lot and you have a lot on your plate so i wanted to make sure you were eating resting well"

"i'm fine jukito, but thank you for worrying about me. it makes you a very caring friend" he said with a smile.

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