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"As my mother always said, nothing good happens after 2am" Ted Mosby from the show How I Met Your Mother spoke. I chuckled, a million memories supporting the statement entering my mind.

"What?" Alex turned to me, placing aside a notepad he had been scribbling on.

"Remember how we met?" I closed the screen of the mac and turned around to face Alex's side of the bunk.

It had been six months or so since that bizarre night, and that highly dysfunctional morning. How was I to know that after that show All Time Low was taking a four month break in England? Lucky me right! Four months in which me and Alex never left each others sides.

The guys would even joke all the time that I was like the 5th member of the band! This made my mind travel to the memory of my first meeting with the guys of All Time Low.


Me and Alex had finished arranging the plans for our little date, and was now sitting around watching the telly waiting for my clothes. I heard a ruckus outside and turned to Alex with a questionable face. He went to say something but was interrupted by the smack of the door hitting the back wall and three men walking in.

"Hey there!" The tall and skinny man spoke. He had black and blonde hair, very punk rock.

"Delilah!" Alex added.

"Hey I love that song! But what's her name dude?!" He staggered. I'm guessing still drunk from last night.

"No Jack, that's actually her name! Delilah. Delilah-Joy Maria in fact!" He smiled, happy with himself that he remembered.

"Oh my god, you're the girl I had to carry back here! Dude! Excuse me... Dudette, you took that punch good! He hit you hard and you laughed at him! I was impressed! Luckily Alex kicked his ass before that other guy could kick you for laughing at him!" He chuckled.

"Thanks, um Jack?" I turned to Alex for a nod, to see if I had got his name right. "Thanks for saving by butt! I'm not usually being hit on, in the literal sense in clubs by guys, I can assure you!" I chuckled.

"Girl! You haven't even got a bruise! And all that bloods cleaned up! Alex took good care of you! He wouldn't even let me look down your bra! Loserrrrr" he gurgled over to Alex, holding an L sign on the wrong hand.

"Thanks Alex" I placed my hand on his thigh.

"Hope you're alright there, Delilah. I'm Rian by the way. I'm just gonna take Jack to bed, we found him this morning passed out backstage at the venue with some chick..." He huffed rolling his eyes and picked up Jack, and walked off with him. Zack signalled off too with a slight grin.

"I'm gonna break your little heart watch you take the fall laughing all the way to the hospital!" Jack then began singing over Rians shoulder. "Hey there Delilah, it's like you!"

I giggled at Jacks song reference, remembering back 'Break your little heart' is one of my favourite songs. If only I knew about it then, I would have fangirled so hard at a drunk Jack Barakat dedicating it to me!

I sat back in my part of the sofa and sighed. I couldn't believe that Tyler hit me! And then went to kick me while I was down, again literally! Thank god Alex was there, I would have been dead.

I hadn't realised but I still had my hand on Alex's thigh, well what I thought was Alex's thigh. He started to wriggle and fidget under my hand, and I noticed his breathing get heavy. My eyes was closed and my head lent back on the back of the chair, so I didn't realise what he was doing until I heard a faint whisper.

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