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"Jack how many bras have you got on your mic tonight?" Alex shouts down his microphone, playing around with is guitar gaining his breath for a moment.

"Um, 32? Oh fuck that's a new record!" Jack returns, slamming down on his guitar, the noise is joined by Rian pounding his drums. "Hey I think this one is your girlfriends!"

"Nah man, she doesn't wear pink! Nice try dude!" Alex gives him the finger and the crowd erupts with laughter and cheering. "This next song is called Lost In Stereo!"

Lost In Stereo was one of my favourite songs ever! Alex would always look back and send me a wink whenever they performed it. I could actually listen to this song over and over, and regularly did! I had it on repeat for 8 days once, that was before Alex changed it. Party-pooper. I also thought it sounded better live, all their songs did - it was the atmosphere that surrounded them on stage that made each noted Alex sang perfect!

The crowd was screaming so loud tonight, I peeked out the wing and there wasn't a single soul that wasn't jumping around or dancing. The mosh pits was going absolutely crazy! They looked awesome, I remember my first mosh put - ended up bumping into this guy and I actually gave him a bloody nose! Gosh, that was a weird experience! I was jumping around backstage, tonight it was like they was playing there last ever song and they was putting there all into everything! The concentration on Zack's face strumming his bass note perfect, the quickness of Rian's hands on his drums, Jack's careless and free willing movements and Alex's insanely perfect voice!

"We've been All Time Low, you've been Awesome good night!" Alex screamed down into his mic as the song finished, the boys ran off stage.

I took a step back, four sweaty guys is not something I want to touch right now. As part of my quirky ways, I sometimes went through a germy stage, anything that wasn't clean was a big no go for me.

"Hey there Delilah!" Jack screamed running at me.

The sweat was flying off him, and instantly I felt a build up in my stomach. I was going to be sick if he touched me, he got closer and closer and I couldn't move from the spot! If this was any other day I'd hug him myself, but my mind was fucked - stressed to the limit.

"Jack don't! She's germy!" Rian shouted just before he got to me.

"Oh shit! I didn't realise! Sorry DJ!" He made a sad face.

"No Jack, I'm sorry! Rian how could you tell anyway?"

"When you're germy, you always look like you're gonna puke up chunks? Especially when you see Jack!" He laughed.

"I think we should hit he shower guys!" Alex joined in the conversation, sending me a wink.

Later that night we was all in the tour bus in the living area, talking about going home.

"I'm so excited to go back to Baltimore! I haven't slept in my own bed in forever!" Alex gleamed excitedly!

"I know man! I can't wait to get back to the crib! See the dogs, see my mum!" Jack added.

"You said the dogs before your mum?"I questioned.

"No one has licked me in a while!" Jack then shouted in a huff, I had to giggle.

"Are you going back to England De?" Rian then asked.

"No she's staying with me, I don't want her to go!" Alex answered for me. "I'll take her back to England when I'm ready, but for now I want her to stay in Baltimore with us? She'll be living there one day anyway." I smiled shyly to myself.

I missed England so much. My friends family, everything. I haven't heard a British accent in months and all this American was getting to me a bit.

"Hey guys! I dare you to only talk in British accents for the rest of the night!" I shouted.

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