The attack. Part 1

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(Y/N)'s point of view.

New York City. Earth-14512

"Alright I know this move is though and this place is new too the both of us but it's a fresh start for the both of us" my uncle said as we parked the car. I got out and noticed that we weren't at our new apartment.

"Hey uncle Curt this isn't the apartment" I said in confusion.

"I know, I just want to see my new partner first let him know we've moved in. Besides he has a niece" my dad said while I blushed. We knocked on the door of a small two story house. A little while later a women with red hair opened the door and recognized my uncle immediately.

???: Curt! Good to see you.

Curt: You to May. Is Ben home?

May: Yes. I will let him know your here. Who's this with you?

Curt: Oh this is my nephew (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hello.

May: Hello to you too.

Then a man who I could assume was Ben appeared at the door.

Ben: May who are you talking to? Oh Curt sorry didn't recognize you for a moment.

Curt: Good to see you too. May we come in?

May: Oh of course please do.

We walked inside the house and not going to lie it's a really nice place. Ben then approached me "So your the nephew Curt keeps talking about". I couldn't help but laugh as I replied "Don't know any other nephews he has". Ben laughed to. Just before Ben, Curt and May went in another room to talk about something. Then something happened....... something that if hadn't happened to me I wouldn't believe it. We heard screaming and crashing. All 4 of us ran outside to see what was happening only to see a giant 25 foot giant made of water!

 All 4 of us ran outside to see what was happening only to see a giant 25 foot giant made of water!

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Before any of us could react the hydro man threw his fist at us. Ben, May and Curt managed to avoid it but I wasn't so lucky. It felt like I got hit by a truck when that thing threw it's fist at me. As I went flying in the air after the punch I felt something sticky catch me and pull me up and what I saw was incredible. A giant spider bot.

SP//dr: Hey kid you alright?

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