Part One: To new acquaintances

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Hi there! This is my first story I really hope anyone who reads this enjoys. I am still getting used to it so I'm extremly sorry if there some mistakes I'll learn to get better x

Third person pov:

It was currently 6:30 on a Monday morning Jeongin had been awake all night staring at his ceiling this happened sometimes, he couldn't stop the thoughts that roamed in his mind they swallowed him up inside but he didn't want to bother anyone they all had enough going on in their own lives. Everyone that he was close to had their own problems and enough going on he didn't want to make them worry about him. Jeongin reluctantly got up from his bed, he was dreading today even though it had barely started. He went downstairs to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast. He chose to grab a piece of toast to eat and started getting ready for school, things for Jeongin were tough right now he had been in pain all night. The pain consuming him was hard and it didn't help when he was trying to sleep last night, walking over to his bathroom mirror he pulled his t-shirt up slightly to expose his stomach enough to see the newly formed bruises that would soon develop into large and quite painful ones at that, Jeongin looked at them scrunching his face and lightly touching them cringing at the pain that shot straight up his body making him wince, these excruciating bruises were caused by the underground fighting his father forced him to participate in for money. They didn't struggle with money but Jeongin's dad liked the thought of having a lot of money so he made him participate in things and force him to underground fight for his benefit. Jeongin was lucky enough to not be hit in the face that would be hard to explain to his friends.

Jeongin kept getting ready for school brushing his teeth while playing some music until the music faded slightly and his phone made a loud 'Ding'. He picked it up the bright screen flashing on his face showing messages from his group chat on the notification bar.


- Hey JEONGIN! You ready?

Sent at 7:10


-Yeah! YOU BETTER BE UP YOU SLEPT IN YESTERDAY! I can't have you leave me alone in maths again T^T

Sent at 7:11

Woojin-hyung (chicken lover)

-I'm sure he's up, but also if he is Jeonginnie we are on our way to your house so you better be ready >.<

Sent at 7:15

Jeongin smiled slightly at his phone and sighed softly looking up at the mirror letting his mask that he always wears slip for a split moment only to put it back on as quickly as possible as he remembered his friends were coming to bombard his house, he sighs grabbing his things, shoving books and other essential items in his bag and makes his way out the door being as quiet as possible to not wake his father.

Jeongin made his way down to the bus stop which was his usual spot to meet up with his friends who had now just arrived, Jeongin smiled widely at the three boys in front of him being enveloped in a hug from jisung "JEONGINNIE! I missed you!" Jisungs scream was deafening but they only chuckled as they were used to it by now. Jeongin smiled slightly wincing at the sudden contact with his stomach as the bruises covering them we're still hurting considering they hadn't healed in time. "H-Hi jisungiee" just then Chan and Woojin caught up to the two younger kids smiling while holding hands Woojin was first to speak " hey Jeongin how was your weekend?" Woojin spoke happily and freely. He was very excited to see Jeongin but didn't want to let go of Chan's hand and Jeongin smiled widely at them in an attempt to hide the truth and reality of what happened on the weekend.

The Fights We Face (Hyunjeong) **ON HIATUS **Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon