Part Five: Conversation

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"Jeongin can I talk to you...privately?"

Jeongin looked up towards the taller figure his chest tightened, the look on Hyunjin's face made him worry, he was so serious and he didn't know him well so he wasn't sure what that meant but he couldn't take chances with others around so he got up and moved to a more isolated area.

Hyunjin's hands started to clam up and he was wondering if he had a right to do any of what he was about to, but he pushed that to the back of his mind this kid was in pain and no one could see it.

"S-So what is it you need H-Hyunjin?" He seemed scared, he was extremly nervous, Jeongin also doesnt do well around attractive men, as you can guess Jeongin was gay only two people in his life knew that was his father aswell as Jisung, Jeongins father hated the fact that he wasnt 'normal' and that's what decided he would be the one to fight for him, not his older brother who was well know and his younger brother was well, to young and Jisung was always supportive as he was also gay they never had feelings for each other.

Hyunjin was fidgeting with his hand trying to find the words to use "J-Jeongin...i- look I just wanted to talk to you privately because, before you passed out I saw you holding y-your side and so...I thought you had hurt yourself somehow...I saw the marks...all over your body i- I am sorry this may be none of my business bu-" Jeongin had cut him off Hyunjin thought he was about to deny everything "did you tell anyone?" Hyunjin's eyes went wide, Jeongin's voice was his usual sweet tone it had worry mixed with anger and laced with venom not towards Hyunjin more towards himself for getting caught "wha- no no I wasn't aware if anyone knew so I didn't.." Jeongin's face returned to its usual structure as well as his voice which was now completely relieved.

"Please...keep this between the two of us?" Jeongin was pleading at this point looking towards Hyunjin who he now had a grip on his arms which made Hyunjin blush, He had never had a guy be this way to him they were all to scared and the others just didn't have an interest In him so this was different.

Nodding his head rapidly "out-of course don't worry" Jeongin's head hangs low for a moment before putting back his persona with his big bright and fake smile. Hyunjin noticed this " know you don't have to always fake a smile..its okay not to be okay" Jeongin chuckles "not when everyone would be worrying about me, when they should be focused on themselves they have more going on" Jeongin's face had instant regret on it he was opening up to this boy and he didn't even know who he was.

Hyunjin smirked handing him a piece of paper to Jeongin as the bell went again for the last class of the day " here's my number if you want to tall to someone who isn't involved I don't mind" Jeongin stood in the same spot for a moment watching as the boy walked away towards Changbin who had come down the hall, knocked out of his daze by Jisung who had suddenly jumped in front of him waving his hands in his face screaming at him "Come on! We have class together I have a lot to tell you!" Jisung was unusually excited, yes he got excited but not this excited.

Smiling softly they walked towards their class room and took their seats I  the back of the class and started talking "so Jisungiee what is it you had to tell me about?" Jisung became flushed and Jeongin instantly knew "who is he?" Jisung smiled softly "its Minho.." he spoke softer than a whisper. A smile was now plastered on Jeongin's face "YES!" Jeongin was happy for Jisung as he barely ever liked anyone so he has Hope's Minho feels the same way.

Jisung laid his head on Jeongin's shoulder " I think we are only going to be friends though...he doesn't" Jeongin shrugged "you never know" Jisung sighed softly bit smirked looking towards the small boy "how about you? You and mister attractive bad boy seemed to be getting along well, Minho told me he isn't usually like this with new people" Jeongin shrugged trying to play it off " he was just trying to help out that's all" Jisung gave an unsatisfied look before turning back to the front and they continued their last class Jeongin was dreading this night he had to fight again and with Hyunjin of his case it was going to be hard, he couldn't hide it forever but he knew he wanted to.

Class had ended it was spent with mostly everyone not paying much attention, listening to music or just doing whatever. Jeongin walked down the hall towards his locker where his bag was, he grabbed out what he would need for home that day and put of a large grey hoodie over what he was already wearing, ready to make his way home or more so reluctantly going home he started walking noticing a familiar figure come up beside him "h-hi I dont know you walked this way?" He stated as more of a question than an statement "o-oh hello Hyunjin...neither was i" Jeongin fell silent after that "do you mind if I walk with you?" Jeongin shook his head in repose to say he doesnt, he in the end decided to speak up not about what Hyunjin expected "I have a question for you.." Hyunjin nodded his head in response " and what's that?"

" Why do people label you as the bad boy..?" Hyunjin stiffened he always hated that label but he became used to it, he couldn't get mad at Jeongin because he wasn't aware and was just curious "I-uh that's not something I would like to talk about" Jeongin nodded softly and spoke in an extremely soft voice " no worrie's" Hyunjin sighed softly trying to think of things to conversate about " I heard from Felix you can apparently hold a tune or two and play piano?" Jeongin's cheeks turned red "I-I no I cant I mean I do it but I'm not good at all" Hyunjin smirked slightly at the boy he found his stuttering cute "i'm sure that isn;t true, well I just would like to say I rap a bit and I dance".

Jeongin nodded softly why does he care so much...why does he keep trying to talk to me? Jeongin just couldn't understand, no one wanted to become friends with him apart from his little group, everyone else could easily make friends and live life okay but he couldn't "oh that's cool you should do something with it as I heard you and your group have a little set up" Hyunjin smiled softly "we dont feel like we are complete yet, I guess we are waiting for that...look this may be weird but...can you sing for me..?" Hyunjin blushed he felt quite shy for some reason about asking such a thing and Jeongin was making his heart beat fast.

Jeongin was taken back by the sudden request "I-I really am not that good..." he protested "I'm sure thats not true, I could be the judge of that?" Sighing in defeat he nodded softly going to the side of the path walk to sit on a bench "I-I guess so" Hyunjin smiled softly as Jeongin started singing he sung a song called tomorrow, today by JJ Project as he finished he smiled softly "t-that was beautiful...that song sounds familiar?" Jeongin nodded softly "t-that's my brothers song" Hyunjin turned to him in awe "your brother!?" Jeongin actually mustered a small and real smile at the elders cute and quite childish reaction "Is that the duo of Park Jinyoung and Im Jaebum?!" Jeongin giggled softly " brother is Im Jaebom and Jinyoung-hyung is really cool" Hyunjin stared in awe at the small boy this smile...this smile he had only just been acquainted to was beautiful he would cherish this smile he wanted to remember this smile for as long as he physically could.

Jeongin was blushing as Hyunjin had been staring at him for what seemed like an eternity and cleared his throat which knocked the boy into his senses and stood up "I-I- I think we should start walking " this made the smaller boy chuckle "i-i'm just on the left so I part here " he looked to the floor and smiled " o-oh okay well in 15 minutes down the road so we aren't to far from each other" the younger nodded in response.

Hyunjin walked close to Jeongin and gave him a friendly hug like he had known him for years and said his goodbyes leaving Jeongin somewhat speechless jebqasnt used to the human contact of others other that Chan, Woojin and Jisung.

Hyunjin walked down the street a smile plastered across his face walking into his home and greeting his parents "hey Mum, Dad? I'm home!" He called out to hear a faint response back "Foods in the fridge eat what you want get some work down glad your home!" Hyunjin sighed doing everything he needed to it was routine for him.

Jeongin walked to his front door taking a step in readying himself for his fathers words and prepping for his match " Jeongin get the hell in here!" Jeongin walked slowly into the room where his father sat in his large arm chair and his baby brother in the corner playing carefree with his toys "yes father?" He spoke in anew tone, there wasn't any feeling nor emotion in him at this point and time "I want you to be ready in an hour tops if your later that that you know what happens" his glare pierced into Jeongin's eyes giving him a lump in his throat "y-yes father".

Jeongin got ready and walked out in a pair of sweats a singlet and a black hoodie of it his hands were wrapped and ready he also stretched himself out previously "get in the car" Jeongin kept his head down and nodded grabbing his earphones playing some music just to pass  the time looking out the window as his father started to car thinking to himself as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"I cant do this anymore "

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