Part Two: Meeting...Him

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"His name is Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin"

Jeongin was intrigued to say the least he didn't know why, he just was the name sounded to familiar to him as well he just couldn't pinpoint from where at this point.

"Hwang Hyunjin? Isn't he the 'bad boy's of this school?" Jisung questioned using physical quotation mark's. Felix's deep chuckle could be heard throughout the whole room.

"He really isn't a bad boy hasn't anyone ever told you don't judge a book by its cover" Felix being defensive of his best friend made the words come out harsher than meant to as they had shut Jisung up.

"He is my best friend I mean no ill will but, hes a good guy trust me" Jisung nods softly as Woojin steps in to take away any tension "how about we go to class, it should be starting soon and we will meet you during break Felix?" Woojin smiled brightly looking to the smaller boy who nods and smiles " yeah! sounds like a plan, ill meet you guys later and you can all be introduced".

Chan smiled nodding as did Woojin and Jisung while Jeongin gave a smaller smile waving slightly which Felix gave one in return smiling at the younger boy who even though he was quiet and seemed shy he had already took a liking to just something about him made him feel drawn to him, Jeongin seemed to have that effect on people it was a blessing and a curse.

With that they all went to their separate classes some falling asleep some paying attention and some had a free period as for Jeongin he was in math's he always dreaded this class, for one reason and one reason only...The bullies yes, it sounds cliche and hes not a child but he cant help it, this class is filled with kids who treat Jeongin like he is nothing they push him call him names mess up his work and make sure he has little marks to remember that he cant tell anyone.

The teacher doesn't care, none of them did but he had to make sure no one found out so he took it and accepted that this was how things were and that he couldn't change that.

Walking up to him was one of the bullies his name was Min Joon he always gave Jeongin the hardest time, today it started with a smack to the back of the head, Jeongin winced.

"Hey shithead can you fucking stop being here?! god your existence annoys the hell out of me can you fucking die" Jeongin kept his head down the entire time taking it he didn't want to cause a scene he didn't like attention being drawn to him it made him feel violated and that he was on display for everyone to see, Jeongin was knocked out of his thoughts as a palm connected to the side of his face, they slapped him. "Hello!? Are you even paying attention to me you idiot!" Jeongin small voice escaped him "...please stop" the boy scoffed " uh yeah no sorry this isnt going to work out in your favor" Jeongin sighed softly accepting defeat.

The boy laughs " i like seeing you like this, defeated and completely defenseless i'm going to leave you waiting and wondering when ill be coming around for you" he smirks leaving Jeongin to his own thoughts sitting silently for the rest of the class.

Break rolled around and Jeongin was already out of the classroom keeping a close eye out for Min Joon just in case. He completely forgot about his face and the fact that there was most certainly a red mark there displayed, at this point he didn't care he just wanted today to be over so he could go home and sleep but he knew that wouldn't happen tonight he was due for another fight he won the match from the night before which meant there was a lot of money bet on him and against him.

As if in a daze Jeongin walked through the halls going to where Chan had messaged him to meet, seconds before he arrived he realized he needed to put up his act which he did in a heart beat, he hated doing it but it was necessary for himself and for everyone else no one likes a broken friend at least that is how he felt.

"Jeongin!" the voice was Chan's you could hear his Australian accent as he spoke, Jeongin turned to face the voice and gave a small but bright smile his eyes creased at the edges which added an extra element of cuteness "hey Channie-hyung" walking over hugging Chan softly.

"S-so who are we meeting now?" Jeongin's voice was laced with nerves and Chan seemed to take notice of that rubbing the small boy arm "just Seungmin, Changbin and Minho from what i heard they are all really nice and all unique i think we may actually hang out with them more and from what i heard that Hyunjin guy sound nice to". Jeongin nodded softly hoping he was right, just then Jisung, Woojin, Felix as well as three other people Jeongin didn't know entered the room.

Felix walked over to Jeongin and Chan everyone following suit behind him "Hey! Jeongin, Chan i want you to meet Changbin, Minho and Seungmin the others have all been introduced " the first boy introduced to be known as Changbin was of a small stature but was more so buff his hair was a dark brown and was somewhat fluffy and wavy his face was long but it suited him and he dressed in all black in a hoodie and harem pants with a pair of docs. 

The next boy Minho had a softer look to him his face was rounder he was a bit taller and had lighter brown hair that was straight but fluffy, he dressed for comfortable in a large grey sweater and light washed jeans with a pair of runners.

The last boy who was presumed by Jeongin to be the youngest must have been Seungmin, he had a soft look to his face more softer features a small mole on the left side of his chin was spotted his hair was a caramel brown that sat curly on his head it suited him well, he was well dressed in a light blue button up shirt and black jeans with white runners.

they were all so well dressed in their own way and for some reason it made Jeongin feel self conscious he wasn't as good looking, he definitely didn't have the confidence you could see radiating off of them.

They all smiled at Chan and Jeongin and introduced themselves to Chan first then turning to Jeongin one by one "hey kid! i'm Changbin i'm guessing you would be Jeongin i've heard a lot about you from Jisungie over there you two seem really close" Changbin smiled what seemed to be a genuine smile you don't get a lot of those these days. He smiled back feeling a little at ease as Changbin seemed nice "h-hello C-Changbin" Jeongin spoke softly.

"awe cute" a voice sincerely spoke from behind him it was soft and gentle a small giggle was made from them and it made a 'he-he' type of noise.

Turning around Jeongin saw the next person he was to be introduced to "h-hi there i'm Jeongin" the small boy smiled to the ridiculously handsome man "hi i'm Minho nice to meet you how are you?". Jeongin's shoulders started to relax "i-i'm" Minho smiled crossing his arms flicking a piece of hair out of his face " i'm good really good". 

A boy stood beside Minho and smiled and screamed " Seungmin in the building!" making Felix and his group of friends sigh Minho was the one who seemed most unimpressed, sighing Minho turned to Seungmin " Jeongin meet Seungmin i'm pretty sure you to are in the same year level?" Jeongin looking up to the boy who had now somewhat calmed down and was smiling softly " Yep! i think him and i are" Seungmins voice was soft it sounded honey-like "its really nice to meet you Jeongin i hope we can become fast friends" Jeongin smiled softly maybe the first genuine smile he had had in quite some time " Hi i'm Jeongin- as you probably already know" Jeongin blushed softly.

Felix and Chan walked over to Seungmin, Minho and Jeongin Changbin had gone over and started talking a bit with Woojin about god knows what just chatting and getting along.

" So i see y'all have been introduced" Jeongin nodding softly " i-it seems so.." Jisung walked up Behind Jeongin Laying his head on his shoulder interrupting them all in an out burst " I'M HUNGRY JEONGIN!" making the boy scream it sounded like a dolphin, everyone bursted into laughter as Jisung hugged a now very flustered Jeongin as the doors to the classroom suddenly burst open and in walked a tall and quite attractive person.

Changbin was the first to speak up" Oh! i thought you weren't coming today?"

The mystery man spoke up " Felix messaged me saying we were making some new friend i couldn't miss it for the world"

Jeongin looked up the voice of this man intrigued him you could say his voice was handsome and he himself was physically attractive Jeongin might have to say.

Jisung now spoke up " Who are you?"

The handsome mystery man spoke calm and with confidence.

" My name is Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin."

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