Part Six: The Fight

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"I cant do this anymore"

Jeongin whispered softly to himself, because he couldnt, the torture he was feeling inside was to much he coupdnt continue to hide it. He hid it for so long that he became used to it, but for some reason the pain was getting to much, he didnt want to hide it and he wanted to be happier at least try to be.

Jeongin was knocked out of his thoughts as his car came to a halt "we're here." His father spoke rather coldly giving Jeongin goosebumps as he walked inside.His father turned to him and spoke with a low tone " you cant mess this up for me, you hear me? This is the biggest fight you've been in so far if you lose I wont hesitate to throw you back in there until you win me my money"  Jeongin nodded softly knowing not to speak back to his father if he just gets the money and wins the fight this will be over and done with.

The fighting grounds were underneath the train line hidden, no one is able to find it unless they are looking for that and that only. Jeongins father was a money hungry man who had connections so he got easy access and he was a very high social man especially in the fighting industry, more so underground fighting he never lost a match.

Jeongin preparped himself in a pair of black tracksuit pants a white muscle tee a mouth guard and wraps around his hands, doing small exercises to warm himself up he didnt know who he was fighting he never did, so he cpupdnt figure pit if they were of bigger or smaller build which was somewhat of a disadvantage to him but he dealt with what information he was ever given which wasnt much.

Jeongin walks towards the arena where he was to fight taking a last sip of water before moving into the arena.

The last bells rang and in stepped his opponent, Jeongins stomach churned as the man he was about to face stepped out, probably double the size of Jeongin in muscle and was about half a foot taller than him, this worried Jeongin he had only fought people of similar build to him he knew he had to put in all his effort for this.

Jeongin was a decently good fighter he had learnt jujitsu, taekwondo, and karate from a young age, he felt he was taught for a reason and this was that reason but he didnt think he could stand a chance against this guy, muscle power isnt everyrhing but his head wasnt in the game and this gave the opponent an advantage that Jeongin wouldnt have.

(A/n okay so I am so sorry to those who read this I am not the greatest at writing scenes like this so please bare with me x)

Jeongin took a deep breath in steadying himself and his breathing his senses were taking over he could hear the man charging at him and prepared to block in which the man swung a kick towards him that he dodged, countering his a hard and swift jab to the side.

He smiled softly to himself almost forgetting he had been in a match and brought his attention back, which he had gone away from for to long as a fist came hurling towards his face which he was not quick enough to dodge, knocking him back completly to the floor as blood now dripped down his face "fuck.." he cursed looking upwards only to be thrown across the arena with a kick to the ribs leaving him winded and without breath.

The man stood tall and proud " awe looks like the scrawny little kid cant stand a chance, stay down and you wont be embarrassed" his tone was extremly cocky. This led Jeongin to a state of anger he didnt like being put down by others hebalwaus was but he also had alot of anger inside him, that in a sense he could only let put while fighting, which is exactly what he did.

Standing up regaining his balance he swiftly pounced towards the man jumping over him wrapping his legs around his neck swinging up, his body weight pushing him to the ground slamming his face into the floor as he started to throw punches at him leaving him battered and bloody, to which he snapped out of his trance as the refs whistle blew out and he was dragged to the side.

" The winner is The Yang team!" Jeongins dad smirked softly not caring as to the condition his son was in he only cared that his money was passed to him.

Jeongins head was throbbing he didnt want to be here anymore, he also didnt want to deal with this pain anymore but he cpuldnt call Chan,  Woojin and mostly importantly Jisung they would freak, but he had no one else to call.

Walking back to the car Jeongin put his hoodie back in which had his belongings in them, to which a small peice of paper feel out.

It was Hyunjins number

Jeongin had an internal battle with himself whether or not to call him, he didnt want to be a bother and he probably wouldnt car, but there is always a chance "ah fuck it...what else do I have to lose" his voice was hoarse and raspy.

The phone rang one time, two times.

It went silent for a moment and then a voice on the other side was heard.

"Who is this?"


"Yes this is him"

Jeongin sighed softly in sudden relief

"I-im sorry...its Jeongin.."

At this comment Hyunjin sat up straight he had been woken up somewhat happy he called.

"Oh hey! What's up?"

A sniffle was heard and things got very quite this gave Hyunjin chills for unknown reasons


"I need some help...please can you help me...please I-I dont know what to do"

The Fights We Face (Hyunjeong) **ON HIATUS **Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang