Part 9 : New Connections

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"Thank you so much"

Those words had made Hyunjin feel something he had never felt before, no one ever felt grateful towards him, yeah sure his friends would thank him for food or for coming to their rescue if they needed to get out of a sticky situation but never had someone spoke to him with such gratitude.

He smiled "Anytime Jeongin" they stared into each others eyes for what seemed like eternity and before he knew it Hyunjin was leaning in, he didnt know why he was doing it and what had taken over him but he just couldnt help himself.

Jeongin couldnt think straight his heart was pounding.
Was he going to kiss me?
That's all he could think about, was it to soon? He met him a few days ago but then again he had a part of him telling him to move in too.

Hyunjin felt as though his mind had taken over his body and he couldnt stop himself...until the door flung open with a very disheveled looking Felix behind it. This caused Hyunjin to flee back to his original stance leaving a very confused and very flustered Jeongin standing quite rigidly.

Felix rose a brow "Hey Hyunjin? What's u-" he cut himself off seeing the state that Jeongin was in, not the blushing but the bruising "Oh my god!!Jeongin what's happened?"

Jeongin was about to speak but he  choked up finagling letting out tears, he didnt think he would cry it just cane out of nowhere but he covered his face crying silently collapsing to the ground. He never meant to cry he didnt want to show his emotions but he just couldnt stop.

Hyunjin immediately went towards him rubbing circles on his back and picked him up with Felix ushering them inside "Put him on the couch" Hyunjin did as he was told and sat by him as he cried into his chest which Hyunjin and now placed him agianst.

"We need to call Chan"

That's caught Jeongins attention and he started to shake whispering quiet no's.

"Lix I dont think that's a good idea man.." Felix ran a hand through his hair.

"Look at the kid l, you barely even know him none of us do Chan or Jisung would do better"

"Cant you see how scared he is...look Lix if we cant help him and thier is no other option okay fone then we will call them but for now please just trust me, and go grab the first aid"

Sighing as he walked away Lix grabbed the first aid and sat it down next to Hyunjin and grabbed his car keys.

"Where are you going?"

Felix smiled " I'm gonna go get some food you both look exhausted okay?" Felix's deep voice reverberated throught out the house as he spoke from the door.

Hyunjin smiled "Okay! Be back soon" he looked down towards Jeongin who had calmed down amd was holding tightly onto Hyunjins shirt which now had Jeongins tears soaking it, honestly Hyunjin didnt mind as long as he got out what he needed to that's all that mattered, he felt protective over Jeongin he couldnt explain why he just did, well... he probably could, he liked him he knew that now but he shouldnt or wouldnt rush something like that onto the kid who he didnt even know if he was gay or what he felt.



"Can you bandage me up..? Y-your leg is on my rib"

Hyunjins eyes went wide "O-oh my god I am so sorry!" He carefully removed his leg and sat Jeongin down softly and grabbed the first aid kit.

Jeongin giggled softly at the elders sudden outburst but put it to a holt as the pain shot up his side.

This got Hyunjin very focused "Okay this is going to hurt but I need you to take of your shirt okay?"

The smaller boy gulped "o-okay.." he hesitated for a moment realizing how much he was exposing himself right now and starting thinking of the possibilities of what was about to happen but was pulled oit of his thoughts when a hand held his.

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