Part Four: Confrontation

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Jeongin's eyes had now closed this lead to a shaking Hyunjin, he just met the kid but this was terrifying him this kid just passed out, holding his side... maybe he hit his side? Hyunjin sighed softly lifting up a small portion of Jeongin's top to reveal his hip and some of his waist, it was covered in bruises and some cuts  they didn't look to be healing well either.

A gasp left Hyunjin's mouth what has he gone through does Chan know? Does anyone know?

Hyunjin realizing this was no time to be dwelling around picked up Jeongin who was as light as a feather, and started sprinting to the med bay.

Jeongin's breathing was shallow but he would be okay he passed out probably from exhaustion as well as pain he never got checked up after a fight unless it was deemed necessary like he almost broke a bone or fractured something. Jeongin's dad didn't care last night even though he was extremely injured.

Hyunjin brought Jeongin to the med bay the ladies there looked sympathetically at Jeongin which must've meant they knew why he was there.

"I-i'm sorry but he just passed out in the hall...his breathing is shallow i-i'm worried" the nurse looked at Hyunjin and smiled softly "Jeongin will be okay don't worry if you would like you can sit out in the waiting area while we look him over do you want to do that?" He nodded almost instantly he didn't know Jeongin all that well but he knew he couldn't just leave him like this. Hyunjin went and sat down letting the nurses do what they needed to.

After what felt like an eternity the nurse finally came out " uh..hello? You can wait in there for him should I call his friends?" Hyunjin thought for a moment what if they didn't know, what if no one knew? He decided that he would keep this to himself and shook his head "no that's okay I'll talk to them" she nodded and smiled " you can go in he should wake up soon".

Hyunjin nodded standing up and walked into the room seeing the small boy who seemed to be resting peacefully on the bed it made him smile he hoped he was okay and sat by the small medical bed laying his head down for a small rest not knowing whether or not he would be awake soon.

One Hour Later

Jeongin's eyes softly fluttered open waking up to a bright light in a white room, he knew this was the med bay and remembered passing out in front of Hyunjin, 'shit' Jeongin mentally cursed realizing he would have to explain himself.

Looking down he realized a figure lay next to his legs it was Hyunjin, his arms were crossed on the bed as a pillow and his head was laying over them gently he was so peaceful looking, his hair slightly fell in the front of his face while his perfect complexion was beaming as the sun was splayed across him.

Hyunjin's brows creased it seemed as though he was waking up, Jeongin sighed softly looking at himself and tried to sit up but winced at the pain he started to feel on the right side of his body.

This woke Hyunjin up, he was a light sleeper, Jeongin was Now holding the side of his rib as he looked down at Hyunjin who had now opened his eyes to look back at him instantly waking up and jumping to a sitting up position"oh hey! Your awake, how are you feeling? Are you okay? Are you in pain?" Hyunjin was speaking rapidly and asking  multiple questions at once which in return made Jeongin laugh lightly as he doubled over holding his side but still held a genuine smile " i-i'm fine Hyunjin you didn't have to stay with me just probably did to much this morning" Jeongin smiled softly focusing his attention to the older boy who's brows were now furrowed as if he was in thought or wondering what he was about to say next.

"You must've just tired yourself out right?" Hyunjin pushed he wanted to see if Jeongin would say the truth or at least talk about whatever it is he saw on Jeongin's body. "Yes of course, I mean schools crazy hard right now you know?" Hyunjin sighed softly but nodded " y-yeah.." he looked up at the boy who never stopped smiling "how long was I asleep?" Hyunjin looked towards the clock " uh..about uh an hour or so. Why?" Jeongin cursed softly under his breath and looked towards his feet " I-I just think Chan and that will be wondering where I am I mean I suddenly disappeared you know?" He nodded somewhat understanding but also in confusion as to why he wasn't speaking about what was going on but he guess he understand they did only meet today.

" shall we go fond them?" Hyunjin decided to just drop it and help the boy find his friends, Jeongin nodded smiling slowly getting up off the bed only to stumble towards Hyunjin, who caught him with ease and steadied him to stand up putting a hand on his lower waist for support " y-your going to need some help walking out of here" Jeongin just nodded probably in to much pain to reply as they walked out of the med bay and down towards the class room him and his friends always sit.

Loud voices could be heard from the room varying from Jisung to Chan."He never just leaves or walks off without talking to us! He didn't even show up to class is he okay did Hyunjin do something to him?! I-i'm sorry but I have to think of all the possibilities here" Jisung was having a fit not because he was trying to be annoying he just always worried about Jeongin he noticed his smile not being as bright every day that passed and it somewhat scared him.

"Look Jisung I'm sure hes okay let's not get overly worried I'm sure his phone is most likely dead...right?" He turned to Woojin who sighed softly shrugging his shoulders " he isn't a baby anymore of course we will watch out for him but he is growing up".

"And you guys don't have t-to worry about me okay? I'm fine I passed out is all" Chan looked directly to Jeongin  his demeanor of a calm older brother type was throw out the window as he noticed how pale Jeongin actually was and not in a healthy way his clothes and hair hid it but now it was easily noticeable " Jeongin what the hell happened ?!" He looked to the younger boy who was being supported by Hyunjin" what happened to him?!" Chan was started to get agitated he was worried that's just how he coped "C-Channie-hyung I'm okay I passed out I just overworked myself and H-Hyunjin was just helping me come back to you guys...please don't get mad I'm okay" Jeongin spoke softly it was hard to hear or to understand and it was raspy compared to usual.

Chan just nodded knowing that he was probably going to far. With that Jisung ran up to Jeongin and tackled him into a hug "YANG JEONG IN! You scared the crap out of me!" I wince from the boy went unnoticed by everyone but Hyunjin who instantly wanted to save him as he noticed a tinge of pain on his face "J-Jisungie I'm okay I'm sorry my phone was in my locker and then well I passed out" Jeongin giggled looking towards the boys at different times.

Hyunjin had been battling a decision in his head, wondering if he would be pushing his boundaries to ask questions towards Jeongin, but he was worried he doesn't know why he had cared so much for this boy but he did and he wanted to continue to pursue figuring more out about this boy as he had realized early on there was more than what meets the eye.

Jeongin sat on a bench softly talking to Jisung reassuring him that he was fine and that there was nothing to worry about. After five to ten minutes the conversation died down Jisung was talking to Chan for a bit, Jeongin was now sat at the table alone until Hyunjin came up to him tapping his shoulder softly causing Jeongin to look up and smile softly " h-hi Hyunjin what's up?" Hyunjin's face was serious and he had made his decision.

"Jeongin can i talk to you..privately?"

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