Why Didn't You?

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Thanks for 107 reads 😁🥰 love you guys! 💜
-mention of kinks? (Not really)
-homophobic language
-slight sexual content
I feel like you get the gist of my writing and themes by now 😂
Idk I'll put warnings if I really need to.
This will be very long and I will give you a stopping point for u to take a break if you need too.

The world and the people in it can be extra harsh sometimes. Especially when it comes to change. Change in prices, in rights, in laws, and  much more, but most importantly, change in social normalities. As time goes on, people can be more accepting or they can be even more unwilling to accept a change. Ones that stem from old traditions or practices are usually harder to accept than ones that are less life changing and lighter.

One example of many that people are very controversial over is sexuality (LGBTQ+) and the rights they should have. The old practice would be the extremely traditional man and woman together only, and anything else would be penalized, seen as a sin based on religion, or result in death or jail time in the worst cases. There are more options of course, but it's all on a spectrum. Even if it wasn't resulting in death, a situation that was seen as "not normal" would be judged so severely by those unwilling to accept change that the emotional and/or physical judgment would be contributing to a dark state of mind where being in jail or dying sounded better than receiving public judgment or humiliation.

It was a horrible time back then. It's only gotten a little better since then, but with time and acceptance and hope, we should hopefully get there. It's a selfish or unrealistic wish for many, maybe, but it is just a wish. A wish to be treated normally. To be treated like a human being. Sexuality doesn't define you as a person, it only adds to who you already are. Some understood and some did not, but if only the world had tolerance for everyone and the aspects of who they are, the world could be a better place. You don't have to like it or accept it if you really can't, but at least be tolerant of those different from you. It would be beneficial for everyone in the long run.

But some people wouldn't be tolerant. They wouldn't accept a change or human that lived differently than them. They wouldn't accept a person who was created different, and who were just being themselves. That was an awful way to think, but might hold true to many. It's the harsh truth. Not everyone is going to ever or always accept, love, or tolerate you for who you are, even if the one and only part they hated most or found "wrong" with you was that you were a part of LGBTQ+.

The world is harsh. Unfair. So is life. Unforgiving. Things being thrown unexpectedly. But people, were by far the worst. Some twisted. Some nice. Some accepting. Some rejecting. Some embracing. Some judging. You never knew what you were gonna get when you met someone new. You only hoped they were good. People are wildcards. Good and bad.

Right now, there's a 25 year old male with raven hair and tears in his eyes, facing some of the harshness of one of those judging and penalizing people. He was at the nail salon, just wanting to get them done all pretty for his boyfriend at their date tonight. He just put on a simple baby pink sweater and some black skinny jeans that morning in hopes for a relaxing time until his date. But now, he was crying as the older lady employee was reeling into him  about how his life was "wrong" and he should be punished for his sins. What was so wrong about wanting to get his nails done?

Oh and this boy's name?

Jeon Jungkook.

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