Happy Birthday!

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This will be an extremely short one shot for Jungkook's birthday! And because I wanted to get a little something out for you guys while I've been working on other things 💕 this is a spur of the moment thing so I apologize for any mistakes. Plz enjoy!

-Slight mention of sexual content
-Just lots of love and appreciation for our little euphoria 💕
-Vkook, Yoonmin, Namjin

I think you get it by now 😂


"Guys! Be quiet! You can't wake him up!" Taehyung whisper yelled to all his friends who are standing outside Jungkook's bedroom door. Or well, their bedroom door.

Taehyung and Jungkook have been living together in a cute apartment for only 3 months. They have been boyfriends for 3 years before that, so they thought it would be fitting to move in together.

But Jungkook didn't know Taehyung was planning on proposing.


On his birthday.

Taehyung is about ready to shit his pants.

Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung were all standing outside the bedroom door in the morning to surprise Jungkook on his birthday. The maknae of their tight knit group was turning 22 today, so they wanted it to be special.

"Okay, on the count of three, we attack!" Jimin whispered.

"Jimin, we aren't attacking him."

"Same thing!"

"No it's not-"

"Okay! One"



Taehyung pushes open the bedroom door to a sleeping Jungkook. Everyone started screaming and yelling while Taehyung jumped on the bed.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Kookie~ happy birthday to youu~"

A chorus of beautiful voices filled the room while Jungkook jumped up into a sitting position. Taehyung day down next to the sleepy but shocked ravenette on the bed.

"Happy birthday, baby!" Taehyung wrapped an arm around Jungkook's waist and kissed his cheek.

"Ew. Love."

"Yoongi, you're literally married to Jimin. Shut the fuck up."


Jimin smacked Yoongi on the chest and looked back at the maknae who moved his way onto Taehyung's lap and was gazing around the room with his big doe eyes.

"What?" Jungkook squeaked.

"Kookie, it's your birthday! Remember?" Jin said. Everyone was crowded around the boy, smiling.

"Oh. Right. Thanks guys-" Jungkook yawned and mumbled nonsense before dozing off a little. He was extremely tired from some activities last night, and wasn't really grasping reality right now.

"Bun, you can't fall asleep. Wake up!" Taehyung shook Jungkook, but Jungkook just groaned. Taehyung smirked.

"Oh no guys, I guess we are just gonna have to tickle him and take away-" Taehyung teased.

"No! No please! I'm sorry! I'm awake! Awake I tell you!" Jungkook shot up and yelled, begging not to be tickled. Aish, his friends were brutal. Like tickling? That's the work of the devil right there.

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