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"Scarlett hide!",father screamed with a howling scream following. Many things fell and broke along with mirrors shattering. Scarlett's mother gave out
aloud a high pitched scream but when she checked in the morning getting out of her hiding spot she didn't see her mother's body anywhere in sight.
Scarlett was hiding when a dark shadow swept past then slowed down and studied her. She was sure she was dead for sure,but the person just tilted their head and said," see you soon",and ran away.
Scarletts first five year old instinct was to call her mother's sister who was the only living relative she had. Her aunt didn't pick up the first few times and left her alone in a ransacked house, with a dead and bloody father on the bed and a missing mother.
Scarlett cried the whole time, she needed her mother but she wasn't anywhere in sight. Scarlett remembered her parents teaching her to call 911 incase of emergency and she did.
"911 what's your emergency?",the operator answered the phone and asked quickly.
"My daddy has a cut and he is bleeding and my mommy is missing.",Scarlett cried between sobs and howls,little did she know that her father had been killed and that her mother probably was kidnapped and done horrible things to.
"Sweetie stay on the line with me, the FBI and the police are on their way,do not move from where you are, is there anyone else there with you there?",the operator politely asked.
"N-n-n-no, what is going to happen? Will I ever see my mommy again?", Scarlett asked.
"Honey nothing is for sure just calm down help is on the way," the operator assured her but she didn't buy one thing the operator said.
Scarlett broke down and dropped the cordless, she wailed and wailed,but was broken off by her aunt Karen breaking in through the back door. Her aunt came in Scarletts room and found her sobbing a river out. She didn't come and comfort Scarlett,tell her everything is going to be alright,instead she said,
"Why are you crying like that,soon the neighbours are going to go crazy like your parents! Speaking of your parents where are they?!" Aunt Karen demanded, Scarlett was so paralysed by the gunshots noise and so much blood she was too overwhelmed to answer , she opened her mouth but nothing came out.
Aunt Karen rolled her eyes and let out a sigh and went to search for them in the house. She let out an ear piercing scream and Scarlett ran to her. She had stopped in her tracks and was staring at Scarletts fathers limp body on the bed. All of a sudden Scarlett heard distant sirens and in a flash of a second officers burst in the house....

"Ahhhhhhhhh", Scarlett screamed ,waking up from the nightmare she had again and again about her parents murder.

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