Laurels house:

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The school day was finally over. Gabe had football practice and Laurel and Scarlett decided to study together at laurels house.
They both agreed on walking to her house since it wasn't so far away from their school. While walking Scarlett somewhat felt like she was being watched,but she soon learned to ignore that.
Scarlett went with Laurel because her aunt didn't care either way and it was better than staying home and isolating herself. Scarlett liked the fact that Laurel wasn't one of those basic teenagers. She was just like Scarlett , she didn't hang out with much people and was an only child as well. They walked together talking to each other as if they knew each other since years.
"So what do you think is cheesecake a pie or cake?" Laurel asked Scarlett. Scarlett thought about it for a long time. The cheesecake had the name "cake" in to but didn't have much cake in it,plus the cake cake in a pie tin.
"Definitely pie!" Scarlett decided. Laurel just nodded. They arrived at a two floored house. There was a large oak tree in the small garden. There were two cars parked in the driveway. The house seemed so homey,just like Scarletts old house.
"Come on in! It's not much but it's home." Laurel said. Scarlett first thought she was saying it because maybe they lacked a few things at their house,but the inside of the house was decorated like a palace. There were ornaments on every table with beautiful painting lined on the walls.
"Are you kidding me?" Scarlett asked,completely in awe.
"Come see my room,um my parents are out of town for a week so it's just us,is it ok?" Laurel asked,she seemed worried that she would offend Scarlett.
"It's totally cool,it's going to be just us,it's going to be fun!" Scarlett exclaimed.
Laurels room was painted black. She had posters of all sorts of boy bands on the walls. Scarlett also noticed she had drums and an electric guitar in the corner along with huge speakers.
"So you play?" Scarlett asked pointing to the instruments.
"Um yeah, is that lame?" Laurel asked,she put her hair behind her ear,and Scarlett couldn't help but notice at how pretty she was.
"No way , that is totally awesome. I know a fan of yours!" Scarlett said. Laurel looked confused.
"What are you talking about?" Laurel asked Scarlett.
"Oh you know my old friend Gabe, just having a huge crush on you since he layed his eyes on you!" Scarlett told Laurel. Laurel blushes,just the way Gabe did when Scarlett acknowledged his liking for Laurel.
"Um yeah ok,let's do some studying now?" Laurel asked in an embarrassed uncomfortable way.
Scarlett nodded and both of them took out their books and began to study....

"Uhhh,can we rest now?" Scarlett asked Laurel. Laurel has been studying since four hours straight,Scarlett had taken five minute breaks like a normal human being.
"Really?ok if you say so." Laurel said. Even though Scarlett was totally comfortable with Laurel,she wanted the urge to be in her room,alone.
"You know it's getting pretty late now,and I should probably head home."Scarlett explained to laurel.
"Yeah okay,do you want me to walk with you?" Laurel asked. Scarlett shook her head as the answer as no.
Both of them were at the front porch waving goodbye. Scarlett walked off without hesitation of the fact that it was was pretty late and she was alone.
Scarlett took out her phone and started scrolling through. She was just strolling,walking slowly to her house,when a bag was thrown over her. Scarlett gasped loudly,she didn't let go of her phone,she knew she would need it,so she placed it in her pocket. The bag was removed from over her,and a strong woman's hand covered her mouth so Scarlett couldn't scream. Scarlett became very confused. Millions of thoughts were rushing through her head,she couldn't handle it , and fainted.....

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