The plan:

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Gabe was at Scarletts house the other day. They both were heading to laurels home.
Scarlett and Gabe were packing a few snacks and a few clothes.
"This is the boldest thing I have done in the past eleven years." Scarlett told Gabe . Gabe nodded and gave out a little squeak,Scarlett pretended to ignore that.
Both of them stepped out of the house. Scarlett decided to leave with Gabe in fear of getting kidnapped. The walk to laurels house was silent.
When they reached to laurels home,Gabe ran the bell. Laurel opened the door instantly.
She gave Scarlett a tight hug even before Scarlett could even say "hi", Scarlett walked inside while Laurel was giving Gabe an aggressive kiss. (They weren't dating or anything,but they definitely liked each other and were a "thing").
Scarlett walked into laurels room,everything was the same except for Gabes things randomly thrown around.
All three of them sat on the bed and had an awkward moment of silence.
"Guys I don't want to drag you into this,I mean if-" Scarlett was interrupted by Laurel cutting her off.
"Scarlett don't think of it like that! We are your friends,and we would do anything for you." Laurel explained. Gabe nodded,his blue eyes were full of worry and concern,and his jet black hair was a huge mess,maybe because of the lack of sleep they all had or maybe because of the rush.
Without second thought they all wrapped each other in a hug. Scarlett realised she was about to break down but she held back her tears,not because she was embarrassed but because at the moment she needed to be strong....

They all stealthily ran to Scarletts old house. They were all standing outside. Scarlett motioned Gabe and Laurel to stay outside and she slowly tiptoed to the front porch.
Scarlett expected it to be to be locked,that's why she learnt to pick a lock overnight from YouTube,but it was to her surprise unlocked. Scarlett opened it slowly.
It creaked creepily. She went inside and almost got a heart attack when her mother was sitting on the couch right infront of her.
Her mother was wearing an extremely revealing black dress and was holding a gun in her hand. Scarlett could see the scar she had on her forehead that Scarlett had given her the last time.
"Well well we'll.... why hello darling! Awfully nice for you to stop by!" Her mother exclaimed clapping her hands together.
Scarlett was about to say something,when a large bag was thrown over her,and just like last time,Scarlett fainted.....

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