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      Scarlett was the first one to get out of the hug,she figured Laurel and Gabe needed a private minute with each other after what had happened. Both of them were covered in blood as well,after hugging Scarlett.
     Scarlett got up and rushed to the staircase that lead the door out of the cellar.
     Scarlett tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge. Scarlett ran down towards her mother's bloody limp body,once her father was in the same position on the bed eleven years ago. Scarlett had gotten her revenge.
     Scarlett leaned down and took out a key that was in the dress' pocket. Scarlett rushed over to the door and opened it.
    She motioned Gabe and Laurel to come,but both of them were making out and couldn't look up to respond to Scarletts gesture.
     It was weird for Scarlett to see her best friends madly in love with each other so quickly and the fact that Gabe has been so loyal to a girl.
    Both of them were kissing softly this time. Gabe was on the floor and Laurel was on top of him. He was moving his hands all over her and she in response was getting close to him. Scarlett cut them both off by picking up Laurel and dragging her.
    "Guys this is no the time! You can screw each other once we get out of here!" Scarlett demanded. Honestly it was getting annoying that they both were so clingy to each other. Gabe held his arms up in defeat and followed them.
     They tip toed outside of the front door of the house and before they ran off Scarlett looked behind her. She found out her fathers  mysterious killer and she got her revenge,but her childhood had been  blown and shattered like glass...

    They all were at laurels house now. They were sitting on her bed in silence and were overthinking the last few hours.
     "I still can't believe I did that. Was it wrong? I mean we wouldn't have escaped and you guys wouldn't ha-" Scarlett was cut off by Gabe.
    "Letty you did nothing wrong. Infact if you did anything you saved your friends and you brought justice to you father!" Gabe explained and Scarlett nodded.
    "He is right..." Laurel said slowly.
All of them were still in shock and spent the new few hours in silence as well.
    Scarlett left later and Gabe has decided to sleep over at laurels.

    Scarlett was still covered in blood. It was midnight,and today her aunt Karen would have been at home. She didn't know what to do.
    Scarlett creaked open the door to her aunts house and tried sneaking in but saw her aunt sitting right in front on the couch.
    "Where were you? You need to gro-" amount Karen stopped and studied Scarlett.
    Before her aunt could say anything Scarlett cut her off. "Before you say anything I would like to apologise for suspecting you as my fathers murderer. Turns out you were right for hating my mother. She killed my father for the money and house. We will soon get that legally and your name will be cleared as my official guardian. I am covered in blood because I have killed my mother tonight because she was trying to make me a psychopath and serial killer like her." Scarlett said all of this in one breath and rushed off to her room.
      Scarlett threw herself on her bed and she didn't get a chance to sigh,she heard a knock on her bedroom door.
     "Come in!" Scarlett said.
    Her aunt Karen entered and stopped right at the door to Scarletts room.
    "Please don't give me a lecture on growing up! I have been through already tonight!" Scarlett told her aunt and her aunt Karen collectively sighed.
     "I'm not here to give you a lecture. I accept your apology first of all. I don't blame you to have accused me,I didn't like your mother because she was a sketchy person and I had known some of her rebellions. Turns out she was very out of control. I love you and will always be there for you. If you ever need to talk or need any type of support then feel free to come up to me." Aunt Karen slowly told Scarlett.
     Aunt Karen was about to leave Scarletts room,when Scarlett quickly jumped off her bed and rushed over to her aunt.
    "I love you aunt Karen" Scarlett told her aunt while giving her a hug. Her aunt gave her a tighter hug in response and for once in her life Scarlett didn't hate her aunt and loved her like a mother.
    "Oh and you better take a shower,you smell!" Aunt Karen joker,kissing Scarletts forehead. Scarlett nodded and laughed slowly...

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