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Scarlett ran home. She locked herself in her bedroom. She sat on her bed and started crying. She was horrified at what she has just done. She was scared now for her own life. She was beyond upset upon knowing "the mystery murderer". She was going crazy thinking about everything that had happened.
Scarlett was moaning and crying,making her pillow wet in the process. She got up and started throwing all the frames of her parents that were in her room. She even shattered some of them.
She heard her aunt Karen pacing up the stairs .
Aunt Karen was the one person she didn't want to face at the moment. Her aunt started thumping on the bedroom door. Scarlett reluctantly opened it ,knowing if she didn't things might get worse.
"What on earth?" Aunt Karen was about to say more but she took time to study Scarlett and her bedroom.
Scarletts hair was a mess from being pulled. Her hands were bloody and her clothes were dirty. Her eyes were swollen and had black mascara dropping down her cheeks. Her room was a mess. Picture frames were shattered and thrown on the ground.
"What do you think you're doing?" Aunt Karen asked.
"I have told you many times before to grow up! You are not a child anymore! You can't throw tantrums in my house!" Aunt Karen roared.
"Why are you crying?" Aunt Karen asked Scarlett . Scarlett wipes her face and tried to calm down. She was not about to tell her aunt about what just happened,because instead of support she would get even more lectures and punishments.
"I-I-I,nothing just a break down." Scarlett said,she was unable to think of anything.
Aunt Karen shook her head."you know just because your a jerky teenager,does not mean you can slam the doors and act all crappy,I expect you to clean this up this instant!" And with that aunt Karen slammed the door like a jerky dramatic teenager.
Scarlett bent down.she picked up the shattered framed and threw them down in the basement.
Once she cleaned up,Scarlett took a shower,which included a lot of crying. She got out and wore an over sized shirt with shorts.
Scarlett say on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
She was moaning from the pain of her bruises on her head and hands,and also the heart.

The next morning Scarlett decided to skip school. It was obvious that she wasn't safe anymore on the streets.
Scarlett slept in,all night she had been thinking of a plan. Scarlett woke up at almost one in the afternoon.
She got out of bed and went down stairs to make herself something to eat. She first locked all the windows and doors and pulled down the curtains. Scarlett made herself a cup of coffee and cereal.
Once she sat down on the table,she realised she was hungry but her mouth was rejecting any food or drink. Scarlett just got up and threw herself on the couch. She still couldn't believe what had happened. She almost thought it was a dream,but the bruises were a solid proof.

Later that day, Laurel and Gabe came to Scarlett to ask her why she didn't attend school and why she hadn't answered to their calls or texts.
Thump thump thump.
Scarlett heard loud knocking on the door. Scarlett got up and cautiously opens the front door. As she opened the door she was enveloped in a tight hug by Laurel and Gabe.
"Scarlett are you okay? You didn't come to school and you haven't even responded to our calls or texts!" Laurel asked. Gabe was standing beside her with a bunch of Scarletts favourite comfort food.
"You guys will think I'm crazy if i tell you." Scarlett told her concerned friends. Their frowns escaped and they pushed Scarlett on the couch.
"I have been your friend since preschool Letty,honestly,I have already gone crazy,but what's the big deal?" At this point Scarlett gave a small chuckle,she already started digging into the chips and sweets as she was beyond hungry since morning.
"Well,please don't freak out,at what I'm about to tell you." Scarlett told them slowly,and they quietly nodded,they both were holding hands,and Laurel was in Gabes lap(at least they were making progress,Scarlett thought). "So,Gabe remember that woman I told you who punched me? Well keep that in mind,that's important. Laurel you don't know,but listen my parents got murdered when I was five. Speaking of my "parents murder."" Scarlett said making apostrophes with her hands. "My mom never died" Scarlett said with a sigh. Gabes mouth was wide open and Laurel was wildly confused. Both of them quietly listened despite the weirdness.
"Well I made acquaintances of weird women,and then once a stalker also showed up in my kitchen window,turns out it was my mom. My mom never died,she actually had my father killed for the money and the house." Scarlett realised now she was crying,but she kept on talking,after all she couldn't hold such a big thing inside her for so long.
"My mother shows up one day and decided to kidnap me. I am thrown in this cellar of my old house,where my mother informs me that she wants me to join her cult and help her out in "chores",meaning murder." Scarlett said,snot was coming out and she was wiping vigorously,at the same time she couldn't help eating as well.
Gabe and Laurel sighed together. Laurel got up and came to Scarlett,she gave her a hug and helped her dry her tears. Gabe looked at her with concern.
"Letty,first of all take a deep breath ,relax,you have been through a lot,just chill" Gabe told Scarlett,he was so calm and made Scarlett relax as well.
"Now we know what actually happened,it depends on you what you want to do,do you want to tell the police ? Or what?" Laurel asked slowly. These words processed slowly in Scarletts mind. She wasn't going to sit over here all day and cry and moan,what she needed was a plan.....

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