Part 2: You're in Wonderland Now Alice [This can't be happening] Evangelion Ep 1

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(F/N) (L/N): No ~ (F/N) muttered


(F/N) (L/N): It can't be ~ (F/N) Throughout


(F/N) (L/N): IT CAN'T BE!


(F/N) (L/N): NOT HERE!


(F/N) (L/N): NOT HIM!


(F/N) (L/N): I'M!


(F/N) (L/N): I'M!!


(F/N) (L/N): I'M!!!





F/N face was that of complete shock and pure terror as his mind was failing to conceptualise his current situation and reality he apparently was in .



Shinji Ikari: Um.. hey... are you ok?

[Shinji Ikari points to the wound on your head]

Shinji Ikari: Your heads bleeding... do you need help?

Shinji Ikari tried to snap (F/N) out of his currently inner mental breakdown to no avail 

Right now, in this moment, in front of me was a person from one of "THE" most famous Anime/Manga franchise to of ever been produced and what changed the very destiny of Japanese entertainment and in the centre of this franchise was a boy who was c...

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Right now, in this moment, in front of me was a person from one of "THE" most famous Anime/Manga franchise to of ever been produced and what changed the very destiny of Japanese entertainment and in the centre of this franchise was a boy who was caught in a scenario that would eventually end the world,

 and at this moment he was in front of me and currently looking at me with confusion and with hints of fearfulness in his eyes (likely from my incredible erratically facial changes I've probably gone though in the last 7 seconds)  who was unknowingly would eventually would be essentially the one human being who would go on to decide the very destiny of humanity whilst dealing with all the mental issues you can number under at the sun, all of this being at the age if 14 years old this kid was know as "Shinji Ikari"

(F/N) Thoughts 

A strong wind takes you by surprise, both and Shinji look over to see someone no... something, ethereal, something indescribable, something... divine, but while to Shinji it will mean nothing to him for the long time but to me... to me it's a sign... a warning... a warning of things to come if i can't stop the events that are predetermined to lead to the event of the creation of...

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