Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

"Mary don't go to far" I yelled out to my daughter as she ran away with her dolls.

"I won't daddy. I'll be right here" she said in her soft and cute voice. Mary has dark brown hair that gets a little red when it’s in the light and her hair is very long. She has brown almost black eyes and she is a little dark skin and she is very tiny.

A few years ago her mother and I split up after I told her I was gay. She understood completely and accepted it. We have been close friends since than. We each take turns taking Mary for a week or so.

I looked up from my phone and saw that Mary was sitting in the grass with her dolls. I looked around and saw a little girl walking towards her. They started having a conversation before Mary came to me.

"Daddy?" She said in her sweet innocent voice.

"Yes my love?" I asked her.

"Can I go play with my new friend? We wanna have a playdate but I told her I was not allowed to talk to strangers." She said.

"Of course you can love. Go" I said.

"Thanks daddy. I love you" she shouted as she ran to the girl. I looked at her with a fond smile on my lips. I watched them a little longer before looking down at my phone.

"Aimee? Aimee!? Where are you!" I heard someone shout. I looked up and saw a man with a worried look on his face. I got up and walked towards him.

"Hey is everything ok?" I asked him.

"I can't find my daughter. She was playing with her dolls on the grass so I looked away and started reading and when I looked up she was gone." He said.

"How does she look like?" I asked in a worried voice. I want to help this man.

"Ok she is 8 years old. She is very short like me. She has blue eyes and  fair skin, she wears glasses and has tiny dimples and her hair is brown" he finished off. I was thinking if I ever saw a girl but then it hit me.

"By any chance, is that your daughter over there playing with mine?" I said hoping it was. He looked over there and he gasp.

"Yes it is!" He said and started running towards her.

"Aimee oh my god don't scare me like that again babe" he said squeezing her and rubbing her head.

"Daddy I am ok. I promise. See I am playing with my new friend. Her name is Mary." Aimee said in a tiny and sweet little voice.

"Hi Mary" he said. My daughter looked up at him and waved at him with a big and bright smile. "Ok I'll let you guys play." He said before standing next to me.

As we were watching our kids play, we eventually sat down at the bench. He was reading but looking up every few minutes. As he reads, I took side glances at him and admired him.

He has brown feathery hair that fits perfectly with his tan skin tone. He has ocean blue eyes that shine so bright. His voice was raspy but soft at the same time. His lips are thin and matches his facial structures amazing. He has very defined cheekbones. He is very tiny also which I find very adorable. As I was glancing at him he looked up and caught me. I turned away quickly with a blush coming on my face.

I heard him giggle a bit. "Hey I am Louis" he said holding his hand out. I looked up at him with my blush still visible.

"I'm Harry" I said and shook his hand. We smiled at each other for a moment before he started talking again.

"So how long have you been a dad?" He asked.

"8 years. A few years ago things ended between the mother and I." I said.

"Oh shit why?" He asked.

"I told her that I was gay. She didn't get mad or anything. She understood me. We are friends till this day. I am glad too because if she hadn't, I would have never saw my precious Mary again." I said.

"Oh I kinda have the same story. Except the mother wasn't that accepting. She actually hates me. But I begged her to let me keep Aimee in my life and she was nice enough to do that. So I am making sure I don't mess up." He finished. I hummed and we fell into a comfortable silence. It wasn't long until we heard screaming.

We instantly looked up and saw our daughters tackling and tickling each other. Our daughters had big smiles on their faces. Mary asked something to Aimee and she got really excited. They came running over here giggling like crazy.

"Hey daddy. Have I told you how much I love you" she said in her I want something voice.

"Ok ok what do you want?" I asked in a teasing voice.

"Can Aimee and I have another playdate tomorrow?" She asked. She gave me puppy dog eyes and I can't say no to that.

"You have to ask Aimee's dad but I am good with it." I said. Aimee walked over to her dad.

"Daddy, have I told you-" Louis cut her off.

"Yes love you have. And yes you can have another playdate tomorrow" Louis said and the girls started celebrating. The hugged each other.

"We are going to the the bestest of friends" Mary said and Aimee nodded her head.

"Yes. Always and forever" Aimee said and they held hands and ran to their dolls.

"Ok so when are you free tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Erm I am free at around 2 or 3." Louis said.

"How does 2 sound?" I asked.

"Yeah that is good" he said with a soft smile on his lips. God he is gorgeous.

"Sweet. Well I am going to go. Can I have your number?" I asked him.

"Yea of course" he said. We exchanged numbers and got off the bench.

"Ok girls it is time to go" I said. The girls looked at us with sad expressions on their faces. They walked over here and in hand. Once they were close to use they shared a hug.

Mary started tearing up and so did Aimee.

"Oh my god you guys are so dramatic" Louis said in a soft voice. I laughed loudly and he laughed with me. His eyes crinkling around the sides.

The girls said their good byes and we left.

"Daddy I am going to see her right?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"Yes darling you are" I said and she smiled widely.

We drove home and got off the car. Mary was already falling asleep so I picked her up and walked into the house. I walked up the stairs and into her bedroom. I laid her down and covered her up. I kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight darling. I love you" I told her.

"Goodnight daddy I love you too" she said in a tired voice. She yawned loudly before turning on her side and falling asleep. I left the room and went into mine. I stripped my clothes until I was only in my underwear. I climbed into the bed and wrapped myself up before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.


Hey! So this is the first chapter of Playdate. How are we feeling about it so far?

I promise you I will try to keep up with updates :)

Pls like and comment :) and like always thank you for giving my fic a chance. I really hope you guys enjoy it :)

All the love, L

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