Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

"MOVIE NIGHT!" Mary shouted.

"YAYYYY" Aimee shouted loudly and they ran into the living room. Louis and I were already sitting on the couch talking about what to do tonight.

"Ok so I have pretty much every chick filc. So Mean Girls, Legally Blonde" Mary kept talking and talking.

"Can we just search romantic comedies on Netflix and see what we find?" I asked. Louis laughed.

"You like romantic movies?" He asked.

"Heck yeah I do. Who doesn't?" I asked.

"Me" Louis said and I gasped loudly.

"What!? How!?" I asked

"I don't know I just don't" he said.

"Well I love them." I said.

"Why?" Louis asked

"Because I am a sucker for romance and I am a huge sap and baby when it comes to them" I said.

"Yeah it's funny. You should see him after The Notebook. He looks like a water fountain" Mary said and Louis laughed.

"Well I think we should watch Grease" Louis said.

"Yes! That's my favorite movie" Aimee said.

"I haven't seen it before. Daddy can we watch it?" Mary asked. I nodded my head and I started looking for a way to watch it. I found a website and put on the movie.

The girls had gotten pillows and blanket and set up a little fort thingy and laid down next to each other. Before I pressed play my lovely daughter brought me a blanket.

"You can share with Louis because sharing is caring." Mary said.

"Yeah! Right Haz?" Louis asked me.

"Haz?" I asked with a amused smile on my face.

"Yep that's your new nickname" he said proudly and I nodded my head.

"Ok i'll call you Lou" I said and he laughed.

"Ok Haz" he said and grabbed some blanket. He got under it and laid down to where his feet where next to my head. I got under the blanket also and laid down so my feet where by his head.

The movie started and it was very quiet. During the movie I would glance over at Louis and see him smiling or singing along with the Danny. He is so adorable it's insane.

During the movie I couldn't get comfortable so I turned a little more and put my hand on Louis leg. My other hand holding my arm up. I started drawing shapes on his ankles and calves. He didn't move away he did the opposite and he scoot down lower.

I know we only just met yesterday but I can already tell that I have a crush on him. I mean can you blame me? Everytime he laughs, I have to laugh. Everytime he touches my arm or touches the bottom of my back when moving around me, I get butterflies in my stomach.

The only problem though is I don't think he would like me back. And that would be weird wouldn't it? I mean dating my daughter's bestfriend's dad.

"Haz" Louis called. I got out of my train of thought and looked over at him. I saw the girls whispering and smiling mischievously.

"The girls want popcorn" he said and I nodded my head. I started getting up but Mary shot up.

"Wait! Me and Aimee will get it" she said and paused the movie and grabbed Aimee and ran to the kitchen. I looked at them confused but than I got more comfortable on the couch.

"How you liking movie night?" Louis asked.

"Pretty good. What about you?" I asked.

"Great! I am just use to cuddling with my Aimee so it is weird" he said and I nodded my head. The girls came running back in with a big bowl of popcorn.

"Hey girls come sit up here with us" I said and they ran to the couch and Louis and I moved so they can sit in the middle. Mary cuddled up with Aimee and started eating the popcorn. Louis and I looked over at them with a fond smile. I raised my head and so did Louis and we made eye contact. Still holding the same look. I pressed play on the movie and we went silent.

"Psst Aimee. Can I have some popcorn?" I asked. She looked around and nodded her head. I smiled at her and grabbed some. Louis looked over at me with a playful glare. I held out 3 popcorn and Louis took them and threw them in his mouth.

About 30 minutes in the movie Mary spoke up.

"Dad Aimee and I don't want no popcorn anymore. Y'all can have it." She said and they got off the couch to go into their fort. Louis and I scooted closer to each other so we can share the popcorn.

I reached for the popcorn the same time Louis did and our hands grazed each other. A soft blush formed on my face. We ended up doing that a couple of times. The popcorn was finally finished and I put the bowl on the table.

"Haz?" Louis asked.

"Yes?" I replied

"Can I cuddle with you?" He asked. A blush formed on my face and on his but I nodded my head. He scooted closer to me and picked up my arm to wrap it around his shoulders. I made my arm tighter around him and held him. With my other hand, I played with his hair. He eventually ending up tangling our feet together. We somehow maneuvered to where we were both laying down now. The couch is big enough to fit us both.

I was so caught up in the movie I didn't realize that Louis' hand was intertwined with mine. The feeling I am getting is so amazing. I am getting excited and butterflies for like no reason. Man I like Louis a lot. Wait.

Does this mean he likes me back? It has to be right? Oh my god should I ask?

"Haz you ok? You look like you are in deep thought" he said.

"What?" I asked

"The movie ended like a couple minutes ago but when I was calling you, you weren't answering" he said. "What were you thinking about?" He suddenly asked.

"You" I said and I blushed. "I-i-i mean I was just thinking about the movie and how good it was-" I was cut off by Louis' laugh.

"You are so cute" he said and I blushed more and looked down. "Hey" he called and I looked at him. His hand landed on my cheek and he smiled at me softly. I smiled back and leaned into his touch. My left hand grabbed his hand and my right hand grabbed the hand on my face.

"I really really like you" he said.

"I really really like you too" I replied. We were both blushing now. Then out of no where, Louis lips where on mine. I was shocked at first but I kissed him back. Our lips molded together so perfectly. Fireworks were going off in my stomach. My hand went up to his hair and my other hand went to his waist. He then crawled over me so now he is cradling me. I stopped and looked at him.

"Wait the kids" I said.

"They are asleep. Look" he said and I looked over at them and saw they were asleep. I looked over at Louis and smiled before kissing him again. That is how our night went. Kissing and talking. It was the best sleepover ever in my opinion.



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And sorry for the slow update! I was spending time with my family in San Antonio. Ill get better at updates promise.

Love you all, L xx

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