Steve Rogers

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"You know what Tony? Maybe you need to quit being a prick to everyone all the time, and listen to what others may have to say!" I yelled at Tony after he cut me off while I was telling the team something important

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"You know what Tony? Maybe you need to quit being a prick to everyone all the time, and listen to what others may have to say!" I yelled at Tony after he cut me off while I was telling the team something important. He looked very shocked along with everyone else on the team. I sat down in a chair next to Steve and crossed my arms over my chest. My face was red from yelling and I was a little out of breath. Steve kept looking back and forth from me to Tony. Tony cleared his throat and started talking again. He was a bit quieter this time though. Steve leaned over and whispered in my ear. "That's my girl." He said and he went back to sitting normally in his seat. I rolled my eyes and exhaled out of my nose. I was pretty proud for standing up for myself. I knew Steve was proud of me too.

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